Showing posts with label Best Funny FB Posts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Best Funny FB Posts. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Review of funny fb posts::Why isn't my fb letting me see anybody's post or statuses ...

Review of funny fb posts::Why isn't my fb letting me see anybody's post or statuses ...

The               rules               of               the               road               have               changed.

I'm               not               talking               about               I-95,               I'm               talking               about               the               information               highway;               that               vast               infinity               flooded               with               drunken               texts               and               inappropriate               emails               from               your               co-workers,               friends,               and               occasional               weirdos.

If               Emily               Post               were               alive               today               I'm               sure               she'd               want               to               pull               over               and               cry               at               how               out               of               control               we've               become.

It's               like               we               don't               understand               or               care               about               the               rights               and               wrongs               of               the               web.

It's               high               time               we               set               some               guidelines.

More               specifically,               a               Facebook               RULEBOOK.

Consider               this               my               version               of               "Tiffany's               Table               Manners               for               Teens."

TIP               BEFORE               YOU               TAG
I               know               it's               funny               to               look               through               old               pictures               and               laugh.

Remember               when               French               cuffed               jeans               were               cool?

Or               those               Z               Cavariccis               you               had               to               have?

How               about               the               hypercolor               t-shirts               or               the               tied-dyed-hippie-I-haven't-washed-my-hair-in-days               look?

Yes,               it's               funny.

Yes,               we               should               be               able               to               look               at               those               photos               and               laugh               at               ourselves               right?


Posting               naked/acne-faced/fat               pictures               of               anyone               online               is               not               cool.


We               all               went               though               an               awkward               phase               and               amazingly               survived               it.

It               was               hard               enough               the               first               time.

Please,               don't               make               me               relive               it               again.

In               a               perfect               world               you'd               have               to               ask               for               permission               to               post               (the               "tip-off").

But               since               we               live               here               on               Earth,               this               simple               rule               applies:               IF               YOU               WOULDN'T               WANT               A               SIMILAR               PICTURE               POSTED               OF               YOU,               DON'T               POST               IT.


It's               not               cool               and               it               WILL               come               back               to               haunt               you.

UNFRIEND               THE               EX

X-bag               and               his               new               girlfriend               look               really               happy.

But               do               you               really               need               to               obsesses               over               pictures               of               them               every               time               they               eat               a               meal?

Enough               is               enough.

When               a               relationship               ends               it's               time               to               move               on,               that               includes               Facebook               as               well.

A               note               to               the               ex's               out               there:               Keep               your               pictures/posts/cutesy               notes               under               control               .

Don't               forget               that               just               because               you               and               the               ex               are               no               longer,               it's               just               not               cool               to               offer               a               reminder               of               what               once               (or               maybe               never)               was.

It's               like               stalking               in               reverse.

FRIEND               OR               FRENEMY?

               One               thing               I               love               about               "the               book"               is               that               everyone               is               on               it.

I've               been               put               back               in               the               loop               with               my               entire               life.

It's               like               the               curtain               call               of               my               past.

And               that               acne-covered               fat               kid               who               sat               in               the               back               of               freshman               English               has               turned               into               a               hottie!

Even               better,               that               jerk               who               kissed               and               told               in               high               school               is               a               total               loser.

But               while               you               might               be               pleasantly               surprised               that               Joe               Pimple               wants               to               be               your               friend,               he               might               not               have               forgotten               about               how               you               dissed               him               at               the               junior               prom.

While               he               most               likely               won't               seek               some               cyber               revenge               you               never               know.

So               hear               me               loud               and               clear:               It               is               okay               to               block               or               ignore               a               friend               request.

I               give               you               permission.
               SIX               DEGREES               OF               STALKER-ATION               
               I'm               sure               that               you               totally               trust               every               one               of               your               975               friends.

But               keep               this               in               mind:               Friends               can               see               friends               of               friends               of               friends               of               friends.

While               it's               really               cool               that               you've               got               even               more               adoring               fans               than               Miley               Cyrus,               opening               yourself               up               to               a               huge               network               poses               its               own               special               problems.

And               not               just               for               you.

I               recently               got               what               I               thought               was               a               harmless               request               from               this               guy.

Let's               call               him               Mike.

Flashback               to               high               school               where               crazy               Mike               stalked               my               best               friend.

All               these               years               later               this               nut-job               is               still               at               it,               trying               to               use               me               to               get               to               her.

Sorry               buddy,               you               can't               pull               the               curtain               over               this               kitty's               eyes.

What               do               you               do?

When               in               doubt,               just               say               no.

When               you               deny               a               friend               request               they               don't               get               some               message               that               says               "yeah               right"               (although               at               times               I               wish               it               did).

The               end               result:               no               harm               no               foul.

               GOOGLE               GONE               WILD               
               You've               been               warned               a               million               times               but               you're               still               considering               posting               that               picture               from               your               cousin's               bachelorette               party.

Think               again.


Better               yet,               why               don't               you               ring               up               your               boss               at               2               a.m.

and               see               if               they               think               it's               funny               that               you               had               a               wardrobe               malfunction               at               that               frat               bar?

Wouldn't               grandma               laugh               at               that               the               photo               of               you,               face               down               with               "Kick               Me"               written               on               your               back               in               lipstick?

Oh               wait               ...

that's               not               who               the               picture               is               meant               for?

Well               guess               what?

If               you               post               it,               they               can               see               it.

Forever               .

There               is               no               delete               in               cyberspace               folks.

Don't               forget               it.
               Let               me               set               the               scene.

You               log               in,               and               yippee               …               you               have               a               new               friend               request               from               …               Mom!?!

Why               the               #$%^&               is               Mom               on               FB?

Well,               for               those               of               you               who've               moved               far               from               your               home               town               or               country,               there's               no               denying               that               the               "book"               is               a               great               way               to               stay               in               touch               with               your               family?

But               for               the               rest               of               us               who               still               live               close               to               home,               or               maybe               even               AT               home,               where               your               parents               can               actually               see               you               everyday,               it               seems               a               bit               unnecessary.

Think               carefully               when               choosing               to               accept               your               parents               into               your               inner               circle               of               friends.

I               know               this               sounds               harsh               and               a               lot               of               us               may               have               a               really               hard               time               rejecting               the               woman               or               man               that               gave               us               life.

But               think               about               it.

Do               they               really               need               to               know               Jenny               from               across               the               street               who               you               grew               up               is               playing               for               the               other               team?

Especially,               if               she's               not               out               of               the               closet               yet               to               her               own               family.

If               you               decide               to               accept               your               parents,               remind               them               about               the               Google               Gone               Wild               clause.

The               boss               doesn't               need               to               see               those               naked               shots               of               you               playing               in               the               pool.

So               don't               even               think               about               it               Mom!
               THANKS               BUT               NO               THANKS               
               Be               selective               when               sending               invites               and               apps.

I               don't               need               a               cyber               beer,               bear,               or               birthday               hug.

I               know               I'm               from               New               York,               I               don't               need               the               checklist.

I'm               sure               the               (Lil)               Green               Patch               will               save               the               world               but               please               leave               me               out               of               it.

And               poking?

That's               just               weird.

Shy               away               from               giving               or               receiving               those.
               AND               FINALLY…               
               It's               ok               to               admit               it.

Everyone               is               addicted               to               Facebook.

I'm               constantly               checking               it               at               work,               at               home,               wherever               there's               free               Wi-Fi.

I               even               have               status               updates               sent               to               my               phone!

If               Jeff               (you-know-who-you-are)               is               ever               single               again,               I               want               to               be               the               first               in               line!

It's               crazy               I               know,               but               if               you               pass               any               desk               in               my               office,               4               out               of               5               people               are               on               it.

Bossman,               don't               fire               us.

Its               borderline               addiction               but               there's               a               reason               why               we               can't               quit.

Image of funny fb posts

funny fb posts
funny fb posts

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funny fb posts
funny fb posts

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funny fb posts
funny fb posts

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funny fb posts
funny fb posts

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funny fb posts
funny fb posts

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    Review of fb jokes::What Does FB Stand for in Text Message Lingo

    Review of fb jokes::What Does FB Stand for in Text Message Lingo

    As               social               media               continues               to               grow               and               evolve,               so               do               the               rules               of               etiquette               surrounding               its               use.

    Whether               you're               reconnecting               with               old               friends               on               Facebook,               using               Twitter               to               promote               your               business,               following               bands               you               like               on               MySpace               or               sharing               hobbies               and               interests               with               bloggers               on               LiveJournal,               each               of               these               platforms               share               some               common               guidelines               of               courtesy               and               etiquette,               as               well               as               more               specific               ones               for               each.

    Following               these               largely               unwritten               rules               will               make               it               easier               for               you               to               have               a               fun               time               and               avoid               unnecessary               conflict,               as               well               as               help               you               meet               your               promotional               objectives.

    The               following               is               a               brief               guide               to               some               of               the               major               issues               of               good               etiquette               one               should               remember               when               using               social               media.


    Introduce               yourself.
                   If               you               don't               know               someone               in               real               life,               it               can               often               be               a               good               idea               to               introduce               yourself               when               requesting               to               "friend"               or               "follow"               them               on               Facebook,               Twitter,               LiveJournal,               or               similar               social               media               services.

    Many               users               of               such               sites               limit               who               can               see               their               postings               for               privacy               reasons,               so               they               aren't               going               to               friend               every               random               stranger               who               requests               access               to               their               information.

    Similarly,               for               location-based               social               media               services               like               Foursquare,               many               users               will               only               accept               friend               invitations               from               people               they               know               "in               real               life"               (that               is,               not               just               on               the               internet)               because               of               the               potential               for               abuse               and               stalking.
                   Introducing               yourself               makes               you               less               likely               to               look               like               a               spammer               or               advertising               bot,               and               helps               engender               good               will               with               other               users.

    Remind               someone               where               or               how               you've               met               (if               it               was               at               a               conference,               a               social               gathering,               a               party               or               work-related               event)               when               introducing               yourself.

    Or               if               you've               never               met               before,               briefly               explain               why               you're               interested               in               friending               or               following               them.

    If               you               plan               on               using               social               media               for               business               purposes,               this               point               of               etiquette               is               especially               important,               as               the               last               thing               you               want               to               do               is               be               reported               as               a               spammer               and               banned               from               using               a               service.
                   The               corollary               to               this               rule               is               that               sometimes,               you               may               wish               to               unfollow               or               "unfriend"               a               person.

    It               could               be               because               their               posting               activity               no               longer               interests               you,               something               they               said               or               believe               in               offends               you,               or               you               just               need               to               cut               back               on               who               you               follow               for               time               purposes.

    It               is               typically               best               to               unfollow               someone               quietly               and               without               an               announcement               to               them               about               it,               unless               the               person               is               someone               you               have               known               for               a               long               time               who               would               notice               and               find               your               unfriending               puzzling               or               hurtful.

    In               a               situation               like               this,               it               is               often               best               to               explain               yourself               politely,               for               you               may               be               able               to               resolve               the               problem               (and               save               a               friendship)               instead               of               losing               a               contact               completely.

    Don't               spam               your               friends               or               your               business               contacts.
                   While               many               use               social               media               to               promote               their               business               activities,               it               is               possible               to               do               so               without               appearing               like               your               only               interest               in               following               people               is               to               promote               yourself.

    Interact               and               engage               with               others-show               interest               in               their               activities,               don't               just               promote               your               own.

    Don't               comment               on               blog               posts               simply               to               link               to               your               own               site               or               services,               as               that's               a               quick               way               to               be               labeled               a               spammer               and               be               blocked               from               numerous               websites.

    Don't               mass-follow               people               on               Twitter               and               expect               the               effort               to               be               reciprocated               because               again,               you               will               only               look               like               (and               likely               be)               a               spammer.
                   Set               a               limit               on               how               often               and               when               you               post               promotional               messages.

    For               instance,               say               you               are               an               artist               with               a               gallery               show               opening               coming               up.

    It's               great               to               send               invites               out               to               your               contacts               via               Facebook-once.

    Post               an               initial               announcement               about               the               opening               there               and               on               Twitter,               and               then               maybe               repeat               the               announcement               once               a               week               and               right               before               the               event               to               remind               people.

    Posting               constantly               about               it,               multiple               times               a               day,               is               not               cool               and               likely               to               annoy               people               more               than               generate               interest.

    Asking               others               to               copy               and               help               spread               your               announcement,               without               ever               doing               the               same               in               return               for               them,               is               also               bad               form.
                   That               said,               posting               a               regular,               routine               schedule               of               updates               to               your               social               media               network               helps               keep               you               in               your               readers'               consciousness.

    I've               found               it               a               good               schedule               to               follow               to               post               at               a               Facebook               update               once               a               day,               to               the               pages               I'm               looking               to               promote.

    Twitter               can               be               used               multiple               times               a               day,               say               2-6               at               best,               or               else               you               begin               to               potentially               lose               your               readers               to               over-promotion.
                   Even               for               non-business               uses,               people               can               be               seen               as               "spammers"               for               how               they               use,               or               abuse,               social               media.

    Be               considerate               about               how               many               Twitter               contest               entry               posts               you               "re-tweet".

    Many               people               find               it               annoying               to               constantly               see               things               like               "Re-tweet               this               message               to               be               entered               in               a               drawing               for               a               new               iPad!"               popping               up               in               their               Twitter               stream.

    If               you               want               to               partake               in               such               contests,               consider               setting               up               a               separate               Twitter               account               just               for               posting               them.

    On               Facebook,               is               it               really               necessary               to               allow               a               game               application               to               constantly               post               your               newest               high               scores               to               your               news               feed?

    Do               you               really               need               Foursquare               to               copy               all               your               status               updates               (including               visits               to               the               grocery               store               or               work)               to               your               Facebook               and               Twitter               streams?

    Be               careful               on               Facebook               with               application               invitations               as               well.

    Sending               them               repeatedly               to               everyone               on               your               friends               list               can               be               annoying,               and               these               apps               can               spread               viruses               to               your               friends.

    Don't               assume               over-familiarity               with               celebrities.
                   Famous               individuals               are               increasingly               "breaking               the               fourth               wall"               between               themselves               and               their               fans.

    Musicians,               actors,               writers,               and               other               public               individuals               can               often               be               found               participating               on               social               media               networks               such               as               Facebook,               MySpace               and               Twitter,               and               it's               certainly               good,               cheap               publicity               for               them.

    It               can               be               exciting               as               a               fan               to               have               a               celebrity               you               admire               respond               to               one               of               your               Tweets,               or               friend               you               back               on               Facebook.

    But               it's               important               to               remember               that               such               contact               does               not               make               this               person               your               new               best               friend.

    Repeatedly               making               wall               posts               on               a               celebrity's               Facebook               asking               for               autographs               or               personal               favors               is               not               good               form.

    Neither               is               sending               them               Farmville               invitations!

    (Yes,               I               have               seen               at               least               one               celebrity               post               on               her               wall               begging               her               "friends"               to               stop               sending               her               invitations               to               join               Mafia               Wars,               Farmville,               and               other               Facebook               games.)               Also,               don't               simply               try               to               use               celebrities'               large               reader               base               to               promote               yourself,               through               posting               advertisements               for               your               own               band               or               activity               on               their               Facebook               or               MySpace               walls.
                   But               more               than               anything,               you               really,               really               don't               want               to               end               up               like               these               fans,               who               used               a               musician's               Twitter               stream               to               track               down               his               travel               schedule,               and               when               he'd               be               at               his               house               so               they               could               get               pictures               taken               with               him.

    Act               like               that,               and               you're               just               one               step               short               of               being               taken               to               court               for               being               an               internet               stalker.

    Think               before               you               type.
                   The               anonymity               of               the               internet               often               makes               it               easier               for               people               to               say               things               to               each               other               that               they               wouldn't               say               face-to-face,               and               politeness               can               fly               right               out               the               window.

    It               can               also               make               it               difficult               to               interpret               tone,               for               sarcasm               and               irony               don't               always               come               across               they               way               they               might               be               intended.

    If               you               feel               angry               or               upset               about               something               you               read               on-line,               or               a               comment               made               in               response               to               something               you've               posted               in               your               blog               or               elsewhere,               don't               jump               to               respond               angrily               right               away.

    Take               some               time               to               calm               down,               walk               around               the               block,               make               a               cup               of               coffee...distance               yourself               in               some               fashion.

    Compose               a               calm               response               in               your               head               before               sitting               down               to               type               it               up,               or               debate               whether               it's               even               worth               responding               at               all.

    Some               people               purposefully               set               out               to               cause               flamewars               and               anger               on               the               internet,               which               is               why               there's               a               long-standing               rule               of               netiquette:               "Please               don't               feed               the               trolls."
                   If               someone               has               called               you               out               for               saying               something               they               find               offensive,               try               to               listen               to               their               concerns               instead               of               becoming               defensive.

    I've               seen               friends               repost               insensitive               jokes               or               statements               regarding               race,               gender,               weight,               class,               disability,               political               leanings,               and               religion.

    You               might               not               even               realize               that               a               statement               is               offensive               to               others               until               it               is               pointed               out               to               you,               in               which               case,               an               apology               can               go               a               long               way-and               much               further               than               telling               someone               to               "suck               it               up"               and               not               to               be               "so               sensitive".

    Remember               who               is               reading               your               posts-or               who               could               be               reading.
                   If               you               don't               privacy-lock               your               Twitter,               LiveJournal               or               Facebook               feeds,               anyone               on               the               internet               can               find               them,               and               it               might               not               be               the               people               you               want               seeing               your               opinions,               complaints,               and               activities.

    There               have               been               stories               of               people               being               fired               from               their               jobs               for               complaining               about               their               boss               on               Facebook-when               they               had               their               boss               on               their               friends               list!

    Or               fired               after               claiming               a               sick               day               and               then               showing               up               in               posted               photographs               at               a               party               that               day               instead.

    In               one               study               in               2009,               8%               of               surveyed               companies               reported               firing               someone               over               their               use               of               social               media,               and               17%               reported               having               problems               with               how               their               employees               use               social               media.
                   A               potential               landlord,               employer,               client               or               even               a               date               can               look               your               name               up               on               a               social               network               service               and               learn               more               about               you               than               you               might               want               them               to               know.

    Embarrassing               pictures               posted               of               you               as               a               joke               among               friends               could               easily               create               the               wrong               impression               of               your               professionalism,               or               lack               thereof.

    If               there               are               such               pictures               of               you               out               there               on               the               net,               politely               ask               your               friends               to               "un-tag"               you               from               them               if               you               think               it               could               be               trouble               for               your               professional               life               (or               better               yet,               ask               them               to               delete               the               pictures               entirely).

    And,               similarly,               be               polite               and               oblige               if               someone               asks               you               to               do               the               same               regarding               a               picture               you               have               posted.
                   Social               Media               Etiquette:               In               conclusion
                   Social               Media               Etiquette               is               a               complicated               issue.

    But               it               is               an               issue               that               one               must               be               aware               of               and               study               carefully               if               one               is               going               to               use               social               media               successfully,               whether               for               personal               or               professional               reasons.

    I               hope               this               guide               has               helped               illustrate               some               of               the               common,               most               important               issues               in               social               media               etiquette               and               given               you               some               tools               to               make               your               experience               utilizing               it               more               productive.

    Image of fb jokes

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