Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Review of streaming quotes::Where Can I Watch Seinfeld Episodes Online?

Review of streaming quotes::Where Can I Watch Seinfeld Episodes Online?

If               it               were               not               for               the               tech               innovators               of               our               century               who               undying               love               to               improve               the               world               of               communication               and               media,               there               would               be               no               such               thing               as               e-books               and               streaming               media.

The               tech               fathers               of               this               century               have               made               strides               to               improve               and               innovate               the               way               that               the               whole               world               does               business               in               the               modern               day.

Although               Bill               Gates               did               not               accomplish               this               feat               alone,               with               the               help               of               some               really               talented               and               smart               geeks               -               the               way               we               view               the               world               is               much               different               than               fifteen               years               ago.

"As               we               look               ahead               into               the               next               century,               leaders               will               be               those               who               empower               others."               Without               a               doubt,               the               world               and               technology               has               changed               the               way               people               and               businesses               communicate               and               share               ideas.

"I               believe               that               if               you               show               people               the               problems               and               you               show               them               the               solutions               they               will               be               moved               to               act."               The               mind               of               Bill               Gates               has               opened               up               the               gateway               to               where               anything               is               possible               if               you               have               faith               and               courage               to               seek               out               our               innermost               dreams.

"I               really               had               a               lot               of               dreams               when               I               was               a               kid,               and               I               think               a               great               deal               of               that               grew               out               of               the               fact               that               I               had               a               chance               to               read               a               lot."               What               more               can               be               said               from               this               prolific               statement               -               where               the               beginning               of               anything               great               begins               with               the               written               and               spoken               word.

Bill               Gates               and               the               tech               children               of               this               generation               helped               form               one               of               the               most               powerful               and               everlasting               forms               of               medium               the               world               has               come               to               know               today.

"I               think               it's               fair               to               say               that               personal               computers               have               become               the               most               empowering               tool               we've               ever               created.

They're               tools               of               communication,               they're               tools               of               creativity,               and               they               can               be               shaped               by               their               user."               The               personal               computer               has               revolutionized               the               way               young               children               and               teens               learn               to               compete               in               a               new               world               where               it               has               become               the               life               blood               and               foundation               of               their               very               lives.

"I'm               a               great               believer               that               any               tool               that               enhances               communication               has               profound               effects               in               terms               of               how               people               can               learn               from               each               other,               and               how               they               can               achieve               the               kind               of               freedoms               that               they're               interested               in."               This               statement               by               the               great               innovator               represents               how               far               our               society               has               evolved               in               respect               to               technology               and               science.
               All               in               all,               there               is               a               down-side               side               to               this               wonderful               technology.

Ever               since               personal               computers               have               become               a               part               of               our               everyday               lives,               many               people               have               become               disconnected               from               the               everyday               world.

Maybe               this               is               the               sacrifice               that               this               technology               brings               to               our               modern               world;               socially,               each               person               will               have               to               learn               to               deal               with               the               complexities               of               this               beast.

"Information               technology               and               business               are               becoming               inextricably               interwoven.

I               don't               think               anybody               can               talk               meaningfully               about               one               without               the               talking               about               the               other."
               Not               only               is               Bill               Gates               an               ambassador               of               many               charity               organizations,               he               is               a               man               whose               vision               of               a               better               world               begins               with               people               that               give               of               themselves.

"We               always               overestimate               the               change               that               will               occur               in               the               next               two               years               and               underestimate               the               change               that               will               occur               in               the               next               ten.

Don't               let               yourself               be               lulled               into               inaction."               The               most               indecisive               thought               is               ultimately               the               most               damaging,               it               is               like               a               cancer               that               festers               for               years               and               then               arrives               at               your               doorstep               when               you               least               expect               it.
               Resources:               http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/b/bill_gates.html

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