Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Review of us stock market today::Does the Stock Market Close Early Today?

Review of us stock market today::Does the Stock Market Close Early Today?

Today,               we               are               witnessing               what               a               "crash"               looks               like               in               stock               markets               around               the               world.

While               the               U.S.

is               off               for               the               Dr.

Martin               Luther               King               holiday,               all               over               the               world               stock               markets               have               crashed               between               5-8%.

Unless,               there               is               some               kind               of               rescue               from               Helicopter               Ben               (Bernanke)               we               are               going               to               see               follow               through               tomorrow               morning               in               our               U.



And               even               then,               his               credibility               could               be               in               jeopardy               to               save               the               markets               tomorrow.

The               worst               market               to               have               crashed               the               most               is               the               one               that               has               been               really               leading               around               the               world               which               is               India's               Bombay               stock               exchange,               closing               down               7               ½%.

The               main               reason               for               this               panic               is               the               concern               for               the               U.S               economy.

The               other               reason               is               because               President               Bush's               proposed               stimulus               plan               is               not               being               well               received               and               Fed               Chairman               Ben               Bernanke               did               not               lower               rates               back               in               December               when               the               markets               were               calling               for               it.

Many               traders               are               speculating               this               to               be               the               panic               selling               they've               been               waiting               for.

The               only               problem               with               that               is               when               everyone               is               thinking               the               same               thing;               most               times               it               does               not               happen               at               that               moment.

However,               I               too               agree,               it               will               happen               soon               or               by               the               time               the               Fed               meets               January               30th.

And               it               is               very               possible               for               a               month               long               rally               to               follow               alleviating               these               severe               oversold               conditions               in               the               stock               market.

It               will               also               be               an               opportunity               for               those               long               term               investors               to               get               out               if               they               do               not               feel               comfortable               about               holding               their               portfolio               through               this               mess.
               Expect               this               downtrend               to               last               for               a               while.

How               long?

It               is               too               soon               to               tell.

It               could               be               several               months               or               years.

One               main               reason               is               all               the               bad               news               is               not               out               there               on               the               sub               prime.

We               still               have               concerns               about               the               losses               of               these               bond               holders               and               insurers               of               the               sub               prime               loans.

In               addition               to               that,               we               have               a               credit               crunch.
               For               more               information               on               today's               Global               markets,               click               "here".

Managing               your               risk               for               your               investments               is               more               important               now               than               ever.

Click"here"               if               you               would               like               tips               on               how               to               manage               your               investment               risks.
               Where               does               the               stock               market               go               from               here?

Is               the               stock               market               in               a               Bear               Market?

Click               "here"               for               your               answer.
               Just               remember,               it               is               harder               to               make               up               losses,               than               to               make               up               profits.

Staying               in               cash               is               a               position.

You               might               want               to               wait               till               you               see               the               whites               of               their               eyes               because               it               could               be               red               tomorrow.

Image of us stock market today

us stock market today
us stock market today

us stock market today Image 1

us stock market today
us stock market today

us stock market today Image 2

us stock market today
us stock market today

us stock market today Image 3

us stock market today
us stock market today

us stock market today Image 4

us stock market today
us stock market today

us stock market today Image 5

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