Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Review of on fb::What Are Some Ideas For Like My Status And I'll ___ on Fb ...

Review of on fb::What Are Some Ideas For Like My Status And I'll ___ on Fb ...

Renfield:               The               Undead               is               a               vampire               styled               horror               film               that               has               just               announced               that               the               film               will               complete               in               two               weeks               and               that               actress               Julin               has               also               participated.

Although               a               small               role,               Julin               (The               Final)               appears               with               Denise               Williamson               (Spirit               Camp),               Cory               Hart               (Boggy               Creek),               Roxy               Vandiver               (Killer               School               Girls               from               Outer               Space),               and               Phil               Nichols               (Walking               Distance)               in               the               picture.

This               Poison               Apple               Film               will               be               released               later               this               year               (October               1)               with               more               info'               on               this               bloody               goodness               found               below.

A               synopsis               for               Renfield:               The               Undead               here:


Renfield,               once               the               slave               of               Dracula,               is               now               an               insane               vampire               stalking               a               modern               day               metropolis               (Bayou               City)"               (Renfeild).
               Release               Date:               October               1,               2010.
               Director:               Bob               Willems.
               Writer:               Bob               Willems.
               Cast:               Mel               House,               Joe               Grisaffi,               Paul               Damon,               Shelley               Boozer,               Tyler               Tackett,               Keli               Wolfe,               Roxy               Cook,               Bobby               Simpson               II,               John               Stevens,               Melissa               Nichols,               Ryan               Johnson,               and               Lillian               De               Michele.
               No               trailer               available               yet.
               More               details               on               this               picture               on               the               Facebook               page:
               Renfield               on               FB
               Jennifer               Guhlin.


19               April               2010.

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