Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Review of fb wiki::When was the First Football Game Played

Review of fb wiki::When was the First Football Game Played

Someone               once               said,               "Success               always               comes               when               preparation               meets               opportunity."               You               could               say               that               about               those               incredibly               lucky               winners               of               the               lottery               you               read               about               on               a               weekly               basis.

Somebody               won               the               Powerball               jackpot               at               $200               million.

Their               life               seems               to               be               on               easy               street               from               this               moment               on.

If               this               winner               did               a               lot               of               preparation               beforehand               on               the               scenario               of               "if               and               when               I               win               the               lottery"               whether               that               is               the               Lotto,               Powerball               or               Mega               Millions               lottery               games,               then               yes,               they'll               have               a               successful               life               due               to               meeting               the               opportunity               of               winning               the               lottery.

Of               course               there               have               been               many               horror               stories               of               people               winning               the               lottery               only               to               be               bankrupt               in               a               few               years               time.

However,               if               you               are               smart               with               your               money               and               seek               sound               financial               advice,               your               wildest               dreams               certainly               can               come               true.

Here               are               my               five               ways               I               would               prepare               for               the               opportunity               of               that               one               day               winning               the               lottery.

Sure,               some               say               the               odds               of               winning               are               extremely               slim               to               none,               but               if               you               don't               buy               a               ticket               you               certainly               won't               win.

1.)               Find               an               Estate               Planning               Attorney               ASAP-               As               mentioned               earlier               you'll               need               to               begin               hiring               a               team               of               financial               and               legal               experts,               especially               with               such               a               huge               financial               windfall               like               winning               the               lottery               or               even               a               large               inheritance.

Also,               some               lottery               winners               set               up               trusts               in               lieu               of               having               their               names               on               public               record               that               is               accessible               to               the               media               and               others               who               want               to               contact               you               for               endless               business               opportunities,               marriage               proposals,               not               to               mention               friends               you               never               knew               existed
               2.)               Hire               a               Certified               Financial               Planner               -               Make               certain               they               have               the               CFP               certification               before               hiring               one.

With               receiving               millions               of               dollars               in               winnings               that               money               will               be               a               huge               responsibility.

What               has               happened               to               so               many               past               lottery               winners               who               later               became               bankrupt               is               they               oftentimes               did               not               seek               a               financial               advisor               or               even               have               a               plan.

This               is               such               a               critical               step               before               you               start               to               spend               your               lottery               winnings.

I'm               certain               there               is               so               much               involved               beforehand.
               3.)               The               Gift               of               Giving               -               Most               likely               for               tax               purposes               this               option               will               come               up               from               your               financial               team;               however,               I               certainly               want               to               give               to               my               favorite               charities               and               to               family               members.

One               of               the               commonalities               for               many               lottery               winners               with               extremely               bad               experiences               stated               over               and               over               they               were               constantly               giving               money               to               immediate               family               members               and               relatives.

It               was               always               never               enough.

Of               course               one               needs               to               be               firm               when               giving               money               to               family,               but               ground               rules               have               to               be               set.
               4.)               Pay               off               Debts               -               Unfortunately               once               all               the               old               debts               are               paid               off               I'll               have               new               ones.

It               is               vitally               important               to               me               that               these               old               debt               are               out               of               my               life               once               and               for               all.

I've               certainly               learned               from               my               old               spending               habits               not               to               repeat               this               same               mistake               again.
               5.)               Starting               a               New               Life               -               Once               I               have               all               of               those               important,               but               necessary               steps               out               of               the               way               I               would               certainly               begin               planning               for               a               new               life.

Let's               face               it               winning               the               lottery               is               going               to               change               your               life.

Things               won't               be               the               same.

I               firmly               believe               those               past               lottery               winners               were               naïve               in               thinking               they               could               have               everything               be               the               same               when               all               their               family               and               friends               were               struggling               financially.

Of               course               there               will               be               resentment,               jealousy               and               envy.

For               me               I               would               invest               heavily               into               my               freelance               writing               career,               especially               with               devoting               all               my               time               into               my               planned               memoir               that               has               been               on               the               back               burner               for               years               now.

This               really               means               the               world               to               me.

Of               course               a               new               home,               car,               wardrobe,               travel,               and               all               the               other               things               I've               wanted               to               do               all               my               life               can               become               a               reality.
               I               have               known               of               a               couple               of               people               who               have               won               the               lottery.

No,               I               did               not               know               them               personally.

One               was               a               group               or               workers               at               a               bank               I               worked               at               back               in               the               '90's.

They               pooled               their               money               together               and               actually               won               the               jackpot.

Naturally               they               became               celebrities               at               our               bank.

No,               I               had               not               worked               there               at               the               time               of               their               winning.

Besides,               they               worked               at               a               different               branch.

All               of               them               left               the               bank               since               they               didn't               need               to               work               any               more,               except               one.

This               person               stayed               on,               but               she               never               spoke               to               anyone               again.

I               guess               too               many               people               were               asking               her               the               burning               question               "what's               it               like               winning               the               lottery?"               or               maybe               even               asking               her               for               money.

Talk               about               extremely               weird.

There               is               a               diner               right               by               my               house               and               the               owner               won               $55               million               from               the               Lotto.

He               is               still               running               the               diner               to               this               day.

It               is               always               packed               and               their               food               is               out               of               this               world               at               Mama's               Kitchen               in               Tampa,               Florida.

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