Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Review of fb developer::What are the pros and cons of jailbreaking a 16g iPhone 4 ...

Review of fb developer::What are the pros and cons of jailbreaking a 16g iPhone 4 ...

               The               first               time               I               witnessed               a               geeky               friend               in               the               web               development               business               create               a               website,               I               swore               I               would               never               do               anything               like               that               as               long               as               I               lived.

Wouldn't               you               know               it,               ten               years               later               that's               precisely               where               I               ended               up               -               building               websites               for               business               owners.

"Never               say               never,"               as               the               saying               goes.

With               the               amazing               advances               in               Internet               technology               I               could               not               imagine               a               more               efficient               way               for               companies               to               find               more               customers               and               increase               sales.

As               a               matter               of               fact,               there               is               one               system               I               love               above               all               others               and               each               time               I               am               asked               about               a               new               site,               I               recommend               it.

Think               of               two               words:               "word"               and               "press."               (WP)
               To               make               a               long               story               short,               WP               is               a               content               management               system               (CMS)               for               websites.

CMS-based               websites               have               become               very               popular               because               they               allow               regular               non-geeky               staff               members               to               login               and               edit               the               material               on               the               website               without               needing               to               know               HTML               or               any               such               thing.
               If               you               can               send               an               email               or               make               a               post               on               FB,               you               can               use               a               CMS.

Even               a               business               website               with               a               shopping               cart               can               be               managed               from               your               own               computer.

No               need               to               hire               a               team               of               programmers               to               run               your               site               and               no               need               to               worry               about               someone               breaking               the               site.

WP               is               a               free,               open-source               CMS               that               you               can               download               and               install               in               a               few               minutes.
               A               website               that               looks               amazing,               is               easy               to               navigate               and               is               coded               so               beautifully               it               practically               drops               into               the               laps               of               the               search               engines               can               be               ready               to               go               in               a               day               or               two.

With               the               best               use               of               plugins               (modules)               for               search               engine               optimization,               I               have               experienced               WP               sites               getting               to               the               first               page               of               the               3               major               search               engines               in               no               more               than               6               weeks,               but               in               as               little               as               24               hours.

Having               the               same               site               built               using               HTML               would               take               weeks               and               would               cost               many               thousands               of               dollars.

You               will               save               at               least               $3               -               $5k               by               having               a               developer               build               it               with               WP.
               If               you               currently               own               an               HTML-based               website,               you               can               convert               it               to               a               WP               site.

The               time               it               takes               is               proportionate               to               the               number               of               pages,               links               and               URLs               on               your               current               site.

This               could               be               a               rather               massive               project               if               you               have               a               large               website               now,               but               once               it's               done,               you               have               a               site               that               is               "future-proof."               This               is               to               say               that               your               content               is               now               easily               backed               up               and               portable               in               a               single               XML               file.

As               the               WP               technology               is               refined,               your               website               can               be               seamlessly               updated.

It               becomes               a               perpetually               state-of-the-art               site,               again               saving               you               buckets               of               cash               on               upgrading               a               site               that               used               out-of-date               coding.
               More               from               this               contributor:
               Facing               the               Inevitable:               How               Much               to               Invest               in               a               Retirement               Portfolio
               Job               Hunting:               Adapting               to               the               Need               for               Skills               in               Disaster               Recovery
               Why               Did               My               Website               Disappear               from               the               Top               of               the               Search               Engines?

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