Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Review of hilarious fb status::What are some cute things to put as a Facebook status ...

Review of hilarious fb status::What are some cute things to put as a Facebook status ...

Recently               women               with               Facebook               accounts               united               in               an               effort               to               raise               awareness               of               breast               cancer.

This               was               a               collaborative               effort               with               millions               of               women               receiving               and               forwarding               messages               to               other               women               on               their               friends               lists.

What               did               those               messages               say,               you               ask?

Well,               although               there               were               different               wordings               for               many               of               the               messages,               the               main               message               stayed               the               same.

Here               is               just               one               message               that               floated               around               the               Facebook               world               last               week:               ..."Only               Girls...Some               fun               is               going               on....

just               write               the               color               of               your               bra               in               your               status.

Just               the               color,               nothing               else.

And               send               this               on               to               ONLY               girls               no               men               ....

It               will               be               neat               to               see               if               this               will               spread               the               wings               of               cancer               awareness,               as               is               intended.

It               will               be               fun               to               see               how               long               it               takes               before               the               men               will               wonder               why               all               the               girls               have               a               color               in               their               status...

               Another               quoted               "Hello!
               We               are               doing               a               play               ...

a               bit               silly               perhaps,               but               fun:)               Enter               the               color               of               your               bra               in               your               status               ..

Just               the               color               and               nothing               else!

Send               this               on               to               all               girls               /               women               ..

NO               MEN!

Should               be               fun               to               see               how               it               spreads               ...

and               all               men               will               wonder               why               all               the               girls               have               a               color               in               their               status?


Have               fun!"
               These               messages               again               were               to               raise               awareness               of               breast               cancer               and               to               implore               women               to               schedule               and               have               their               routine               mammograms               done.

Now,               the               humorous               side               of               all               this               is               that               during               that               time,               about               two               to               three               days,               men               all               over               the               world               thought               that               their               women               had               completely               lost               their               minds!

All               over               FB,               women               were               quoting               in               their               status               bars               about               the               colors               of               their               bras.

Some               women               posted               pink,               black,               beige,               white               and               even               polka               dots.

Many               went               so               far               as               to               say               "none".

Men               were               wondering               just               what               the               heck               all               these               women               were               posting               about.

If               you               are               a               member               of               FB,               and               particularly               if               you               participated               in               this               hilarious               posting               game,               you               have               probably               been               asked               more               than               once               by               a               male               what               you               were               talking               about,               right?
               On               the               more               serious               side,               the               email               campaign,               rumored               to               have               been               started               by               a               young               man               in               the               memory               of               his               aunt               who               lost               her               fight               to               breast               cancer,               did               impact               millions               of               women               from               around               the               world.

In               fact,               it               even               made               Fox               News               on               Friday               January               8th.

And,               a               spokeswoman               for               the               Susan               G.

Komen               for               the               Cure               Foundation               stated               that               her               group               was               not               behind               the               email               campaign,               but               it               did               raise               a               lot               of               awareness.

She               also               went               on               to               state               that               she               hopes               women               will               take               heed               and               schedule               their               routine               mammograms               soon.
               So,               if               you               are               a               man               and               recently               wondered               why               the               women               in               your               Facebook               life               were               posting               Cheetah               printed,               navy               blue,               hot               pink               or               other               colors,               now               you               know.

If               you               are               a               woman               who               participated               in               this               mass               email               and               posting               campaign,               congratulations,               you               should               be               very               proud               of               yourself.

Not               only               did               you               help               the               world               to               become               more               aware               of               the               dangers               of               skipping               yearly               mammograms,               not               to               mention               the               tragic               reality               of               breast               cancer.

You               also               helped               to               drive               the               men               in               your               lives               more               than               just               a               little               crazy               with               those               colorful               posts.

Image of hilarious fb status

hilarious fb status
hilarious fb status

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hilarious fb status

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hilarious fb status

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hilarious fb status

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hilarious fb status
hilarious fb status

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