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Showing posts with label Top FB Applications. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Review of fb applications::I am having problems with my fb for android app. I need a ...

Review of fb applications::I am having problems with my fb for android app. I need a ...

I               didn't               know               who               "Mariah"               was               until               I               saw               her               on               RuPaul's               Drag               Race.

I               saw               the               Southern               Belle               with               the               great               looks               but               I               didn't               realize               just               how               deep               her               rivers               ran               until               now.

Mariah               is               someone               that               has               something               worthwhile               to               say.

Well               first               let               me               just               say               that               I               think               you               are               stunningly               beautiful               both               on               TV               and               in               person.

               Mariah-Thank               you
               This               is               basically               following               up               on               the               "Life               gets               better               campaign."               Are               you               familiar               with               that?
               Mariah-               Yes               I               am
               As               you               know,               you               are               seen               as               a               role               model               and               I               think               anyone               struggling               with               their               sexuality               will               find               you               very               inspiring.
               Q-I               don't'               know               much               about               your               early               years.

Where               were               you               born?

               Mariah-               I               was               born               in               Gainsville,               GA
               Q-Do               you               have               a               big               family?

               Mariah-               No.

It's               my               Mom,               my               two               brothers,               and               my               sister.

That's               pretty               much               it.
               Q-Where               did               you               go               to               school?

What               were               your               school               years               like               for               you?

               Mariah-               Well               I               switched               around               schools               quite               a               bit.

We               were               a               lower               income               family               so               we               moved               a               little               bit,               so               I               went               to               city               schools               starting               out               in               elementary.

Then               I               switched               to               the               County               schools               and               so               it               was               from               second               grade               on               to               I               would               say               tenth               grade               I               was               pretty               much               teased               on               for               one               reason               or               another.

Either               I               was               too               white,               or               I               looked               like               a               girl.

People               would               walk               up               to               me               and               pull               my               hair               on               the               playground.

Stuff               like               that.

Plus               I               am               bi-racial               so               it               was               like               there               was               always               some               "thing"               for               people               to               tease               me               about.

               So               around               eleventh               grade               is               about               when               I               pretty               much               took               charge               of               my               own               energy               and               Said,               "Enough               is               Enough!"
               Q-When               did               you               know               that               you               were               gay?

               Mariah-               Oh,               I               have               always               felt               different.

I               never               really               kind               of               blended               in.

I               remember               my               sister               had               asked               me               when               I               was               in               fourth               grade,               "Elijah               are               you               gay?"               And               my               sister               is               like               five               or               six               years               older               than               me.

And               I               said               No.

I               was               like               no               because               I               thought               gay               meant               you               necessarily               had               to               have               sex.

You               know?

Of               course,               I               was               like               nooooo.

(laughs)               Of               course               I'm               not.

               Then               my               Mom,               later               on               in               life,               told               me               my               sister               had               went               to               her               after,               yet               again,               finding               me               playing               in               her               makeup               and               jewelry.

She               went               to               my               Mom               and               said,"               Mom               I               think               Elijah               is               going               to               be               gay."               This               was               around               when               I               was               in               third               or               fourth               grade.

And               my               Mom               simply               said,               "we               are               just               going               to               let               Elijah               be               Elijah."               
               And               she               was               like,               "OK."               That               was               it.

They               didn't               tell               me               that               until               like               I               was               about               twenty.

               I               was               like,               "OK."               
               I               wasn't               sexually               active               until               like               two               weeks               before               my               eighteenth               birthday.

               (I               said,               what               a               good               boy!)               

               I               was               afraid.

My               mom               told               us               that               having               sex               before               eighteen               was               illegal.

So               I               just               knew.

I               was               like               no!

               Yes,               and               that               was               like               the               last               thing               I               was               thinking               about               when               I               was               younger.

It               was               just               never               an               issue.

It               really               wasn't               on               the               front               of               my               mind,               to               keep               it               short               and               sweet.

It               just               wasn't               something               I               was               thinking               about.

I               was               thinking               about               having               a               good               time,               enjoying               life.

How               I               could               make               it               easier               for               myself?

And               then               also               I               was               in               band               and               I               did               other               activities.

Those               feelings               really               didn't               kick               in               until               later.
               Q-So               what               instrument               did               you               play?

               Mariah-               I               played               cymbals               for               three               years               and               I               played               the               third               bass               drum               in               marching               band               for               my               junior               year.

Wait               a               minute.

So               do               you               watch               "Glee?"               
               Mariah-               No               I               don't               watch               Glee.

That's               a               little               too               peppy               for               me.(I               start               laughing)               I               like               more               cynical,               witty               comedy.

I'm               not               like               a               show               tunes,               unless               it's               like...


I'm               not               really               a               show               tunes               type               of               person.

I               will               go               back               to               my               actual               questions               
               There               was               this               rash               of               suicides...
               Mariah-               yes
               Q-A               lot               of               kids               are               facing               discrimination               or               prejudices.

What               did               you               run               into               as               far               as               discrimination               or               prejudice?

               Mariah-               They               had               so               many               different               faces               it               went               from               racial               issues               because               I               am               bi-racial.
               Q-Are               you               African-American               and               Caucasian?



Black               and               white.

               And               so               when               I               went               to               the               predominantly               white               school               I               was               called               a               black               and               white,               a               zebra,               just               really               elementary               type               stuff.

But               yah               know               when               you               are               picked               on               and               picked               out               of               a               group               like               that               you               interpret               those               things.

You               start               to               interpret               yourself               as               being               ugly               or               you               know,               different               and               not               in               a               good               way.

               Then               when               I               went               back               to               the               city               school               system               I               spoke               too               white,               proper               English.

I               was               too               white               and               then               I               looked               like               a               girl.

(They               would               tease)               Are               you               a               faggot?

               In               my               household               my               family               looks               so               different.

Like               my               oldest               brother               is               like               blonde               hair               blue               eyes.

My               youngest               brother               has               sandy               brown               hair,               green               eyes               and               freckles.

My               sister,               she               looks               German.

It's               like               so               much               variety               in               our               family               and               it's               just               us               five.

We               were               never               given               a               box               about               who               we               are               and               who               we               are               supposed               to               be.

               So               there               were               never               any               racial               or               cultural               lines               that               we               were               supposed               to               stay               in.

Never               any               sexual               orientation               lines.

You               were               just               who               you               are,               who               we               were               meant               to               be.
               Q-Right,               you               grew               up               in               the               bible               belt               then?

               Mariah-I               guess?

But               my               Mom               is               from               Phoenix,               Az.

so               it               really               wasn't               (both               laughing).
               Mariah-So               she               came               here               without               those               bible               belt               values               I               guess               you               could               say.

               Phoenix               Arizona,               She's               always               marched               to               the               beat               of               her               own               drum               anyway               (laughs)               
               She               kind               of               taught               us               that.

We               got               that               from               her.

We               pretty               much               kind               of               follow               our               own               set               of               rules               and               guidelines               about               what               we               think               is               best               for               us.

               As               long               as               we               don't               hurt               ourselves               or               anybody               else.

That's               pretty               much               my               mom's               principles.

You've               got               good               sense.

Use               it!

And               it               was               just               that               simple.
               (               Wow.)
               Mariah-               I've               had               the               prejudice               and               discrimination               from               every               angle               you               can               imagine.

Even               in               the               gay               culture               you               have               masculine               discriminating               against               the               more               feminine.

               I               mean,               you'll               get               hatred               coming               from               so               many               different               places               at               so               many               different               times               in               life               that               you               really               have               to               find               that               strength               to               cope               with               it               and               definitely               turn               it               around               and               allow               it               to               empower               you               instead               of               breaking               you.
               Q-Where               did               you               find               your               strength               to               fight               that?

               Mariah-               You               know               I               really               had               enough.

There               are               always               two               options               to               every               situation.

Either               a               positive               or               a               negative               option               and               I               chose               the               positive               one.

Enough               was               enough.

I               said,               "I               want               to               be               happy.

I               want               to               be               happy!"               This               is               not               what               I               am               meant               to               be               doing,               walking               around               moping,               volatile.

Because               I               had               gotten               very               volatile               when               I               would               react               to               people.

So               I               just               chose               a               happier               path.

I               just               let               it               go.

I               just               started               one               day               at               a               time               looking               at               myself               in               the               mirror               and               I               was               like,               You               know               what?

I               started               seeing               things               that               were               beautiful               and               it               might               not               necessarily               have               been               the               things               that               I               aesthetically               thought               I               should               look               like               because               of               everyone               else's               critiques               but               it               was               just               like,               "You               know               what?

This               isn't               that               bad.

That               isn't               that               bad."               And               it               got               to               the               point               where               I               was               like,               you               know               what?

This               is               fabulous!

This               is               good.

This               is               really               good!

So               I               really               started               looking               at               myself               and               started               seeing               the               things               I               liked               as               opposed               to               what               other               people               were               saying               they               disliked.
               Q-Where               are               you               in               the               family               line-up?

Of               the               4               kids.

               Mariah-               I'm               the               second               to               the               youngest               out               of               four
               Q-Are               you               the               only               gay               one               in               the               family?

               Mariah-               Uh...

               (I               laugh)               
               I'm               just               laughing               because               there               are               six               syblings               in               my               family               and               there               are               two               of               us.

               Mariah-               Oh               word-               I               love               it
               Q-What               advice               would               you               have               for               the               kids               facing               the               same               discrimination               you               face               or               the               ones               that               are               thinking               about               ending               it               all?

               Mariah-               I               know               at               an               early               age,               that               like               needing               to               show               you               belong               is               a               very               important               thing               for               anyone               at               that               age,               but               being               different               is               not               a               bad               thing.

It               definitely               is               going               to               help               you               in               the               long               run               so               hang               in               there               and               definitely               embrace               your               differences               and               learn               how               to               respect               other               people               for               their               differences.
               Q-OK               here               comes               the               silliest               question...

               Mariah-               Oh               Lord
               Q-So               will               you               reapply               to               the               RuPaul               Drag               Race               for               another               season               ala               Shangela?

               Mariah-               Oh               gosh.

I               don't               know               if               I               have               enough               drag               in               my               closet.

               (I               just               lose               it               laughing)               
               That's               a,               that's               a               whole,               oh               my               god,               that's               a               whole               'nother               wardrobe.

I'd               have               to               take               out               a               loan               just               to               get               ready               for               it.

               (I'm               still               laughing)-I               just               saw               on               line               that               they               are               taking               applications               now.
               Mariah-               I               know.

I               saw               that               too.

Oh               my               goodness               round               4.

It               is               really               going               to               be               tough               for               them               to               cast               this               season               because               I               think               they               got               a               lot               of               the               best               in               season               3.

I               traveled               around               the               country               and               have               seen               what's               out               there...
               Q-Where               can               your               fans               see               you               next?

               Mariah               -               I               will               be               on               RuPaul's               Drag               U               for               3               episodes               starting               on               June               20TH               
               On               June               4TH               I               will               be               in               Chicago               at               "Spin"               with               Jade               from               season               one               
               I               will               also               be               at               the               Indiana               Gay               Pride               in               June
               Q-Is               there               anything               else               that               you               would               like               to               add?

               Mariah-With               the               youth,               definitely               know               that               different,               when               you               are               different,               definitely               know               that               you               are               meant               for               something               special.

So               really               try               to               find               what               you               are               meant               for               and               just               ignore               the               rest.

Just               ignore               the               rest               and               it               does               get               better!
               Abby-Thank               you               so               much!

               Mariah-Thank               you               and               have               a               good               afternoon!
               You               can               keep               up               with               Mariah               at:               
               FB:               Mariah               (Paris)               Balenciaga               
               Twitter:               Mug4dayz               

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    Monday, June 9, 2014

    Review of fb application::My Facebook app froze what do I do

    Review of fb application::My Facebook app froze what do I do

                   In               this               example               we               will               obtain               several               beam               size               options               for               a               specific               set               of               conditions,               specifically:               23               foot               (ft)               span               from               support               to               support;               applied               loading               is               600               pounds               per               linear               foot               (plf)               Snow               load               and               150               plf               Dead               load.

    The               beam               will               be               a               common               Western               species               Glued               Laminated               Timber               (Glulam)               beam.

    We               will               use               the               Beam               Capacity               Tables               provided               by               the               American               Institute               of               Timber               Construction               as               design               aids.

    The               total               anticipated               length               is               24               ft.

    In               particular               we               will               find               several               commonly               available               beam               sizes.

    For               each               size               we               will               also               calculate               the               beam               weight               and               `Board               Foot'               lumber               input.
                   The               total               applied               load               to               the               beam               is

    w               TL               =               600               plf               Snow               load               +               150               plf               Dead               load               =               750               plf               Total               load.
                   Whatever               beams               we               pick               must               also,               obviously,               be               able               to               also               carry               themselves.

    As               such,               we               will               use               the               AITC               Beam               Capacity               Tables               looking               for               beams               that               can               carry               750,               plus               at               least               a               little               bit               more.

    Using               AITC               Table               DF-26,               Roof               Beam               Capacity               Table               for               Western               Species               Beams               subject               to               Snow               load               we               obtain               the               following               options.

    Note               that               the               beam               weights               are               also               provided               by               the               Table.
                   Beam               Options:
                   3-1/8               in.

    x               ...

                   5-1/8               in.

    x               16-1/2               in.,               carries               776               plf,               and               weighs               20.6               plf;
                   6-3/4               in.

    15               in.,               carries               830               plf,               and               weighs               24.6               plf.
                   Note:               the               3-1/8               in.

    width               cuts               off               at               19-1/2               in.

    for               depth               in               the               Table.

    It's               quite               possible               that               a               deeper               beam               would               work,               but               the               `Industry'               has               chosen               not               to               include               the               deeper               3-1/8               in.

    wide               beams.
                   Let's               check               the               beam               weights               (self               weights).
                   For               the               5-1/8               in.

    x               16-1/2               in.

    beam:               is               the               total               load               including               self               weight               =               600               +               150               +               20.6               plf               =               770.6               plf               less               than               or               equal               to               the               `capacity'               of               776               plf?


                   For               the               6-3/4               x               15:               is               750               +               25               =               775               ≤               830?


                   Now               let's               see               how               much               they               each               weigh.
                   Since               the               beam               weights               are               provided,               this               is               easy.
                   The               5-1/8               x               16.5               weighs               20.6               plf               for               24               ft               giving               us               494               lb.
                   The               6-3/4               x               15               weighs               24.6               plf               for               24               ft               giving               us               590               lb.
                   Note               the               footnotes               to               the               Table               indicating               a               Specific               Weight               of               35               pounds               per               cubic               foot               was               used               for               the               Table.

    Beams               in               various               service               conditions               might               indeed               weight               less               (or               maybe               more)               depending,               particularly,               on               Moisture               Content               of               the               wood.
                   And               now               let's               calculate               the               `Board               Footage'               for               the               beam               options.
                   Western               Species               5-1/8               in.

    wide               beams               are               made               from               2               by               6s.

    The               `2               by'               is               actually               1-1/2               in.,               giving               us               the               lamination               thickness.

    A               16.5               in.

    deep               beam               is               thus               made               from               16.5               /               1.5               =               11               lams.

    Each               lam               has               a               board               footage               of               2               x               6               divided               by               1               x               12               or               12               /               12               =               1.00               Board               Foot               per               foot               of               length.

    The               whole               section               is               made               from               11               of               such               lams,               so,               each               foot               of               beam               has               11               x               1.00               =               11.00               Board               Feet               (BF)               per               foot.

    The               beam               is               24               ft               long,               so,               the               total               BF               is               11.00               BF               per               foot               x               24               ft               =               264               BF.
                   Western               Species               6-3/4               in.

    wide               beams               are               made               from               2               y               8s.

    A               15               in.

    deep               beam               is               thus               made               from               15               /               1.5               =               10               lams.

    Each               lam               has               a               board               footage               of               2               x               8               divided               by               1               x               12               or               16               /               12               =               1.333               Board               Foot               per               foot               of               length.

    The               whole               section               is               made               from               10               of               such               lams,               so,               each               foot               of               beam               has               10               x               13.33               =               13.33               Board               Feet               (BF)               per               foot.

    The               beam               is               24               ft               long,               so,               the               total               BF               is               13.33               BF               per               foot               x               24               ft               =               320               BF.
                   In               terms               of               a               formula:
                   BF               =               (nom.


    of               each               lam               /               12)               x               no.

    of               lams               x               length               of               beam               x               no.

    of               beams.
                   Gosh,               we're               done!
                   Our               beam               options               are:
                   5-1/8               in.

    x               16.5               in.

    x               24               ft,               weighing               20.6               plf,               total               weight               494               lb,               264               BF;               and
                   6-3/4               x               15               x               24,               weighing               24.6               plf,               total               weight               590               lb,               320               BF.
                   The               particular               sizes               of               course               are               important               for               architectural               considerations               (clearance,               etc.).

    The               weights               are               important               for               shipping               costs.

    And               the               BF               values               will               probably               drive               the               costs               of               the               options.
                   Our               final               specifications               for               this               example               should               also               include               the               `grade'               of               the               beam.

    Table               DF-26               indicates               Fb               =               2400               psi               and               E               =               1.8               million               psi.

    These               are               consistent               with               the               commonly               specified               24F-1.8E               Douglas               fir               beam.


                   Table               DF-26,               Beam               Capacity,               Roof               Beams               -               Snow               Load,               American               Institute               of               Timber               Construction,               Centennial,               CO.
                   Board               Foot               Measure,               Jeff               Filler,               Yahoo!

    Contributor               Network.

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