Showing posts with label MSN Stock Market Quotes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MSN Stock Market Quotes. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Review of real time stock market quotes::How to Read Stock Quotes?

Review of real time stock market quotes::How to Read Stock Quotes?

The               Dow               Jones               Industrial               Average               recently               closed               above               10,000.

While               the               broader               economy               has               shown               some               "               green               shoots"               of               improved               economic               activity,               the               jobless               rate               is               now               above               10%.

Why               has               the               stock               market               recovered               if               the               economy               has               only               recently               begun               to               recover?

For               one               thing,               the               stock               market               and               Wall               Street               in               general               is               not               the               "rational"               system               that               bankers               and               others               in               the               world               of               finance               had               believed               it               was.

Indeed,               it               was               thought               for               much               of               the               past               decade               that               the               market               was               somehow               smarter               than               the               institutional               regulations               they               were               enacted               to               protect               the               small               bank               depositor               and               investor.

However,               the               stock               market               depends               upon               rumor               and               speculative               guesses               as               much               as               the               paparazzi               and               the               tabloid               press.

When               it               looked               like               the               world,               and               the               United               States,               was               headed               for               financial               ruin,               the               Dow               dropped               to               less               than               7000.

While               certainly               the               economy               did               not,               and               in               some               senses               still               does               not,               look               so               rosy,               this               precipitous               decline               did               not               reflect               the               long-term               value               of               several               blue               chip               stocks               in               the               Dow.

The               most               prudent               investment               strategy               involves               long-term               investment               in               companies               which               have               a               proven               track               record               in               addition               to               reasonable               expectations               and               grow.

However,               due               to               increased               trading               volume               on               the               markets               over               the               past               decades,               the               stock               market               has               become               more               of               an               overall               popularity               index               based               on               current               reporting               of               the               economy.
               This               means               that               any               recession,               such               as               the               one               we're               in,               can               greatly               decrease               the               value               of               commonly               held               stocks               in               the               short               term.

Conversely,               when               the               market               recovers,               stocks               can               also               experienced               a               marked               increase               in               value.

Of               course,               so               called               "               fundamentals"               of               the               companies               that               investors               choose               to               invest               in               also               will               determine               stock               prices.

However,               the               short               term               volatility               of               the               market's               made               obscure               true               value               of               stocks.
               For               example,               commonly               held               stock               such               as               financials,               experienced               in               a               market               decrease               in               value               during               the               current               recession.

Such               that               some               stocks               for               banks               such               as               Citigroup               reached               a               low               of               less               than               a               dollar               during               the               past               year,               while               reaching               highs               above               fifty               dollars               over               the               past               five               years.

Such               volatility,               is               obviously               based               on               real               factors               such               as               the               gov't               bailout               which               saved               several               large               financial               institutions               from               ruin.

However,               the               24               hour               news               cycle               has               more               of               an               influence               on               stock               prices               than               realistic               expectations               of               future               earnings.
               What               does               this               mean               for               the               average               investor?

In               the               long               term,               stocks               are               still               a               good               choice               for               those               looking               to               retire.

However,               a               feature               recession               could               lead               to               a               similar               decrease               in               if               the               Dow               in               future               decades,               which               could               lead               to               a               similar               situation               in               which               retirees               need               to               delay               their               retirement.

The               best               way               to               avoid               the               negative               impact               the               fluctuations               in               the               stock               market               can               happen               your               retirement               portfolio               is               to               decrease               the               percentage               of               your               savings               in               stock               as               you               get               older.

The               best               way               to               determine               the               best               mix               of               stocks               and               other               investment               tools               such               as               CDs               is               to               talk               to               a               financial               adviser.

In               however,               relatively               young               investors               in               their               twenties               or               thirties               can               at               this               point               and               that's               relatively               risk               free               in               mutual               funds               and               broad               indexes.

The               old               rule               of               thumb               was               that               100               minus               your               age               equals               the               percentage               of               your               portfolio               that               should               be               in               stock.
               Obviously,               the               recent               swings               in               the               stock               market               would               make               any               rational               investor               jittery.

However,               with               CDs               offering               very               low               rates               of               return,               now               may               be               a               good               time               to               buy               certain               stocks               and               freeze               the               ball               prices.

As               Don               Novello's               character,               Father               Guido               Sarducci,               used               to               say               on               Saturday               Night               Live,               all               you               need               to               know               about               the               stock               market               is               "               by               low,               and               sell               high."               While               the               Dow               has               recovered               a               good               portion               of               the               value               that               it               lost               off               of               it's               highs               above               14,000,               there               still               is               a               long               way               to               go,               and               young               investors               looking               for               a               place               to               save               some               money               should               consider               stocks               over               the               next               decade.

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    Review of stock market quote::What Is a Stock Ticker

    Review of stock market quote::What Is a Stock Ticker

    When               you               are               trading               equities,               you               need               to               have               a               partner.

    Not               just               your               broker               on               the               other               end               who               has               your               money               market               or               cash               account               on               hand;               you               need               a               buyer               or               seller.

    To               that               end,               you're               searching               out               someone               to               buy               from               you               your               stock               or               sell               to               you               their               stock               at               a               certain               price.

    However,               what               happens               when               there               are               no               buyers               or               sellers               at               the               time               you               want               to               buy               or               sell?

    This               is               where               a               market               maker               comes               into               play.

    Market               makers               are               the               banks               or               brokerage               companies               who               are               always               willing               to               quote               you               a               buy               or               sell               price               at               any               point               during               any               trading               session,               even               if               they               don't               have               access               to               the               equity               or               trade               at               that               moment.

    While               your               stocks               "bid"               and               "ask"               may               fluctuate               at               different               points               during               the               day,               you               are               guaranteed               to               be               able               to               command               a               firm               price               from               a               market               maker.

    Novice               investors               may               misconstrue               market               makers               as               being               something               negative;               back               alleyway               dwellers               if               you               will.

    This               may               have               something               to               do               with               the               reputation               a               lot               of               market               makers               have               earned               themselves.

    Most               market               makers,               one               would               like               to               assume,               act               honorably               and               don't               break               the               rules.

    There               are               though               bad               apples               in               every               bunch;               even               the               market               makers               of               the               world               sometimes               make               mistakes.

    But               the               suffering               of               all               should               not               occur               because               of               the               misdeeds               of               few.
                   Market               makers               operate               by               buying               and               selling               the               stock               of               a               company               or               companies.

    They               may               have               a               reserve               of               shares               on               hand               to               draw               from,               they               may               have               orders               coming               in               from               other               traders               to               buy               the               same               stock               someone               else               wants               to               sell,               or               they               may               wait               for               an               order               to               come               in               to               offset               the               cost               for               them               to               buy               the               stock               from               you.

    This               risk               they               take               is               paid               for               by               what               is               known               as               the               "spread".

    The               spread               is               the               difference               between               the               bid               and               the               ask               price               and               this               spread               times               many               hundreds               or               thousands               a               day               is               from               where               the               market               maker               makes               their               money.
                   While               market               makers               may               get               a               bad               rap               in               the               press,               the               fact               is               that               they               are               needed               to               make               sure               that               the               financial               markets               continue               to               operate.

    Market               makers               are               the               driving               force               keeping               companies               afloat               in               the               world               financial               markets               as               well               as               keeping               people               interested               in               their               existence.

    If               you're               looking               on               your               level               2               market               quotes               (if               you               have               access               to               these               quotes)               and               you               see               market               makers               loading               up               on               your               particular               stock,               that               may               be               a               very               bullish,               positive               signal;               the               opposite               could               be               construed               to               be               true               if               you               see               their               accounts               being               liquidated.
                   Market               makers               make               the               markets.

    If               you               are               keen               on               learning               more               about               how               the               market               makers               operate               for               your               particular               equity,               you               should               ask!

    So               long               as               they               are               playing               by               the               rules               and               keeping               everything               above               board               it               should               be               smooth               sailing               for               your               investment               plot.

    Of               course               the               choppy               waters               of               the               market               itself               are               not               something               that               your               market               maker               can               control,               per               se;               however               if               you've               done               your               due               diligence               and               you're               comfortable               with               your               stock               and               your               market               maker,               you               should               be               just               fine.

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