Showing posts with label Facebook Mobile Messenger. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Facebook Mobile Messenger. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Review of fb sms::When Replying to a Facebook Text It's Sending It as a ...

Review of fb sms::When Replying to a Facebook Text It's Sending It as a ...

My               alarm               clock               on               my               Blackberry               Bold               is               going               off               again.

I've               snoozed               as               much               as               I               can               this               morning.

Despite               a               9               a.m.

appointment               with               a               prospective               client,               I               may               snooze               again.

It               was               a               long               night               and               I'm               exhausted.

In               between               dreaming               that               I               was               Zena               Princess               Warrior               fighting               off               a               group               of               idiots               with               construction               tools               preparing               to               rebuild               Wall               Street               and               Jesse               James               riding               off               into               the               sunset               on               my               remarkably               white               horse               with               bags               of               stimulus               money,               I               can't               really               pinpoint               the               exact               time               I               made               it               into               bed               .

I               do               remember               that               it               was               almost               time               to               wake               up               when               I               dozed               off               ...

SMH               ...

new               world               code               for               shaking               my               head.

I               no               longer               follow               the               conservative               routine               I               once               had               of               being               in               bed               before               sunrise               the               following               day,               not               disclosing               personal               or               rather               privy               information               freely               and               exposing               myself               to               others'               hidden               agenda.

Nope,               today               I               take               chances,               put               everything               at               risk               including               pictures               of               my               kids               in               the               process.

Maybe               they               can               score               me               a               deal               before               some               pedophilia               rapes               my               profile.
               Life               as               I               once               knew               it               has               changed               dramatically.

Today               I               hide               behind               an               SMS,               an               MMS               or               BBM               withholding               my               golden               voice               from               others,               and               no               that's               not               dominatrix               talk               for               a               submissive.

That's               new               wave               conversation               for               us               social               networkers               who               have               turned               connecting               into               a               habit               that's               gone               awry               and               borderline               rogue.

I               can               be               anyone               I               want               and               all               it               takes               is               a               profile               story,               a               fan               page               and               clever               update               status.
               We're               all               looking               for               our               first               fix               in               our               next               hit,               the               big               hook               up               from               that               big               fish               you               hope               notices               you               and               that's               what               keeps               us               coming               back               for               more.

We               pull               late               hours,               update               and               drive,               and               the               first               roll               out               of               bed               is               toward               the               side               table               to               pick               up               whatever               smartphone,               iPhone               or               crack               pipe               you               have               to               hit               the               white               F               with               the               blue               background.

Facebook               is               the               new               crack.

Inhale               all               you               users.
               Remember               when               the               drug               first               hit               the               street               in               the               1980s.

It               came               with               all               its               akas               (also               known               as).

Rock,               candy,               base               or               blizz               to               name               a               few.

It               affected               the               brain               -               inducing               feelings               of               euphoria,               high               confidence               and               loss               of               appetite.

The               dopamine               was               what               gave               you               the               feeling               of               being               on               top               of               the               world,               but               minutes               later               that               feeling               hit               the               floor               and               the               user               was               now               in               search               of               that               experience               all               over               again.

Police               officer               Wikipedia,               definitely               not               the               most               reliable               source,               said               "It               is               the               intense               desire               to               recapture               the               initial               high               that               is               what               is               so               addictive               for               many               users               of               crack."               As               sad               as               it               is               to               say               I               can               relate               from               the               akass               of               Facebook,               FB,               The               Social               Network               and               the               feeling               of               being               high               in               the               sky.

Don't               you               love               when               someone               likes               your               status               and               actually               makes               a               comment               or               reposts               with               a               rt?

Talk               about               euphoria               and               high               confidence!

And               tell               me               again,               why               take               time               to               eat               when               you're               on               a               roll               -               People               like               you,               or               like               what               you               said.

Damn               ...

does               that               make               me               an               addict?

Before               you               answer,               be               careful               because               I'm               watching               every               critic               in               denial.
               So               many               of               us               just               wanted               to               "try               it."               Our               kids               were               doing               it,               co-workers,               favorite               stores               and               BFF's               but               ended               up               going               crazy,               willing               to               do               whatever               it               takes               to               get               that               next               hit.

We               put               everything               on               the               line,               including               our               health,               family               and               for               others               their               freedom.

Remember               the               Florida               mom               who               blamed               Facebook               Farmville               as               the               reason               why               she               shook               her               son               and               smoked               a               cigarette               afterward.

That               shaking               sadly               killed               him               and               she               was               found               guilty               of               second-degree               murder.

Wait               what               about               the               Colorado               woman               Shannon               Johnson               who               went               to               check               into               Caf©               World               and               check               in               with               friends               on               FB               while               she               left               her               son               unattended               in               the               bath               tub.

That               check-in               was               fatal.

Johnson's               son               drowned               at               13               months,               and               she               was               charged               with               child               abuse.
               Despite               what               you               think,               I'm               not               complaining               or               bashing               the               social               networking               site               that               has               connected               and               reconnected               millions.

I               love               it               and               couldn't               live               without               it               until               I               faced               the               facts               and               did               what               every               addict               does               to               get               clean.

Admit               that               we               are               powerless               and               our               lives               are               now               a               bit               unmanageable.

I               Gotta               update               my               status!
               Khalilah               Olokunola               
               Is               Facebook               the               New               Crack               
               Associated               Content               by               Yahoo

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