Showing posts with label Cool Symbols to Copy and Paste. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cool Symbols to Copy and Paste. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Review of symbols for fb::Whats it mean when people do this to their FB status ...

Review of symbols for fb::Whats it mean when people do this to their FB status ...

It's               called               Alice               Day,               named               after               Alice               Liddell               and               "Alice               In               Wonderland",               originally               Pedophile               Pride               Day.

There               is               a               whole               story               circulating               the               net               that               this               holiday               was               named               after               the               story               that               we               all               love               so               much.

Wow,               show               you               what               twisted               minds               will               do.

This               holiday               for               pedophiles               is               this               upcoming               week.

On               this               holiday               the               pedophiles               celebrate,               rape               and               molestation               of               little               girls.

It               is               okay               to               celebrate               by               "loving"               a               female               child               that               day.

Ugh,               how               disgusting               is               this,               that               we               live               in               a               society               that               allows               this               sick               animals               to               go               around               saying               these               things               about               our               loved               ones.

April               is               also               Child               Abuse               Awareness               Month               according               to               this               site               as               well.

"April               is               Child               Abuse               Awareness               month               and               coincidentally               (or               karmically),               it               is               also               the               month               in               which               child               rapists/molesters/"lovers"               reserve               for               their               special               "it's               okay               to               sexually               assault               children"               day               -               "Alice               Day."               Alice               Day               is               to               sexual               predators               of               children               what               Christmas               is               to               Christians.
               April               25th               is               Sunday.

Please               watch               your               children.

This               is               the               best               defense               against               any               predator               out               there.

They               are               looking               for               latch               key               kids,               kids               neglected,               kids               from               chemically               abused               parents,               single               parents,               kids               without               rules.
               Pink               is               NOT               the               color               you               want               to               dress               your               girls               in               either.

Pink               is               their               attraction,               so               do               not               dress               your               little               girls               in               pink.

Predators               love               colors               that               are               sexual               like               pink,               reds,               oranges.
               This               is               good               news               regarding               pornography:               
               MICHAEL               GORMLEY,               Associated               Press               Writer               
               ALBANY,               N.Y.

-               Internet               providers               Verizon,               Sprint               and               Time               Warner               Cable               have               agreed               to               block               access               to               child               pornography               and               eliminate               the               material               from               their               servers,               New               York's               attorney               general               said               Tuesday.
               Pedophile               Symbols               and               Codes.

You               need               to               see               this.

               A               heart               within               a               heart,               or               "GLogo"               "GirlLover"               is               used               by               pedophiles               attracted               to               girls.

The               heart               in               a               heart,               to               them,               represents               a               adult/               female               child               relationship.

A               blue               spiral-shaped               triangle               symbol,               or               "BLogo"               "BoyLover",               symbolizes               a               boy               (small               triangle)               surrounded               by               an               older               male               (larger               triangle)-               and               is               meant               to               show               adult/male               child               relationships.

The               butterfly               CLogo               a.k.a.

"ChildLover"               (commonly               looks               like               four               touching               hearts)               in               pink/blue               represents               non-preferential               gender               pedophiles               (girl               or               boy               attracted,               often               both).

The               yin-yang               looking               circle               is               CGlogo,               used               in               reference               to               the               website,               Common               Ground,               which               was               created               as               a               place               for               both               girl               and               boy               attracted               pedophiles               to               meet               and               sympathize               with               each               other.

The               pink/blue               triangles               is               "AmaroSymbol"               is               a               variation               of               the               CGLogo.

There               are               many               ways               pedophiles               and               sexual               predators               will               celebrate               today:

Find               activities               in               their               area               involving               children               -               such               as               parties,               park               outings,               sporting               events               
               -               They               will               watch               the               children,               photograph               the               children,               and               attempt               to               have               a               BM               or               GM,               which               stands               for               "Boy               Moment"               and               "Girl               Moment".

This               includes               a               conversation               with               the               child,               in               which               they               could               gain               information               to               get               to               the               child               at               a               later               date.

However,               this               could               also               include               just               sitting               back               watching               a               particular               child               at               play.
               They               appraise               a               child's               form               as               if               it               were               that               of               a               stripper               in               a               club,               and               they               write               the               moment               down               later               for               their               friends               -               online               and               in               real               life               -               with               added               feelings               of               desire               they               had               while               exploring               the               child's               body               with               their               eyes               and               filthy               mind.
               Please               keep               in               mind               that               a               child               does               not               have               to               be               nude               or               in               a               bathing               suit               to               be               visualized               that               way               by               these               people.

They               are               sick               enough               to               imagine               that               for               themselves.

Seek               victims               for               themselves               -               either               through               the               first               option               or               by               riding               around               looking               for               easy               targets:               children               walking               alone,               children               playing               outside               with               no               supervision,               children               wandering               in               a               store               with               an               inattentive               parent...

I               don't               have               to               tell               you               the               rest               as               "victim"               says               it               all.

Seek               victims               for               others               -               through               option               1               as               well               as               option               2.

The               information               they               attain               through               their               Boy               or               Girl               moment               is               not               always               kept               to               themselves,               especially               on               Alice               Day.

They               get               that               information               and               share               it               to               their               pedophilia               ring               friends               so               that               others               will               have               a               chance               at               acquiring               a               victim               at               a               later               date.

The               children               they               snare               also               often               become               shared               sexual               toys               for               themselves               as               well               as               others               in               their               group.Al               this               information               came               from               The               Ultimate               Evil               Website.

Everyone               needs               to               read               this               website               and               know               and               understand               what               child               abuse               is               all               about.

It               is               located               at               the               link               above,               pedophile               symbols               and               codes.
               A               lot               of               times,               the               person               acquiring               this               information               isn't               even               a               pedophile,               themselves.

They               are               just               in               it               for               the               money               from               the               sales               of               the               photos               and               information               that               a               pedophile               and               child               predator               can               use               to               get               their               target.
               Also               remember               that               men               are               not               the               only               perpetrators.

Women               make               up               a               small               percentage               of               sexual               predators               and               abusers,               but               they               DO               exist.

Even               so               far               as               to               pimp               out               their               own               children               for               drugs               or               other               selfish               reasons.
               I'm               sure               you're               wondering               what               can               be               done               to               spot               or               stop               these               people.

You               can't               very               well               go               accusing               every               person               you               see               in               a               public               venue               of               being               a               sexual               predator,               nor               should               you               be               paranoid.

Just               careful.
               It's               always               better               safe               than               sorry,               but               there               is               always               common               sense.
               For               instance:               if               you               see               a               lone               person               with               no               children               sitting               nearby               staring               at               the               children               at               play,               it's               a               pretty               good               chance               he's               there               for               less               than               honorable               reasons.

Particularly               if               he/she               has               a               camera               and               no               credentials               to               any               claim               of               being               a               reporter               -               which               should               also               be               questioned               and               dealt               with               as               any               parent               would               by               calling               the               editor               of               his               paper               to               check               his               story               should               he               say               this.
               If               you               are               quite               certain               you've               spotted               someone               with               ulterior,               twisted               motives               for               watching               your               child               or               others               at               play,               call               the               police               immediately.

Confrontation               with               a               group               of               concerned               parents               also               works.

No               violence               is               necessary               as               these               people               fear               being               caught               at               their               private               game               and               will               quickly               vacate               the               area.

You               also               send               a               strong               message               that               your               children               are               protected               and               NOT               easy               targets!
               ALWAYS               teach               children               not               to               talk               to               strangers.

               ALWAYS               teach               children               to               never               give               personal               information               to               a               stranger.

               ALWAYS               teach               children               to               never               give               the               information               of               another               child               to               a               stranger.

               ALWAYS               teach               children               to               scream,               "NO!"               and               "STRANGER!"               very               loudly               if               they               encounter               someone               asking               questions               or               trying               to               get               them               to               come               with               them.

               ALWAYS               teach               children               to               use               a               secret               or               safe               word               or               password               and               to               NEVER               tell               ANYONE,               not               even               their               friends,               what               this               word               is.People               that               want               tto               take               photos               of               your               children               are               especially               suspicious.

Teach               your               childen               to               watch               for               these               types               of               people.

They               prey               on               the               innocence               of               a               child.
               I               know               from               experience               and               studying               these               creeps               that               they               do               in               fact               ride               around               looking               for               prey.

They               are               predators.

The               child               that               is               alone               at               the               park               is               in               trouble.

Have               your               children               use               the               buddy               system.

My               previous               article               on               "What               Sexual               Predators               Don't               Want               You               To               Know"
               Texting               Codes               Parents               Should               Know
               Let's               face               it               the               kids               are               out               texting               us.

We               need               to               know               what               they               are               saying.

Here               is               a               list               from               The               Ultimate               Evil               website               against               child               abuse,               just               in               case               predators               text               our               children.

We               need               to               know               what               these               guys               and               our               kids               are               saying.

This               is               not               for               modest               people.

This               is               2010,               the               language               is               rough.

Then               there               is               sexting.

Yes               sexting.

Kids               are               having               sex               on               the               phone               these               days.

Below               is               a               list               of               codes               for               all               of               us               parents               to               know               what               is               being               said               to               our               children,               especially               if               they               are               predators.

Predators               are               always               at               a               child's               level               and               knows               everything               about               children               so               they               can               communicate               with               them.

There               are               many               I               have               never               seen               before               in               my               life.

It               reminds               me               of               when               we               all               learned               pig               latin.

Now               I               am               showing               my               age.

However               sexting               is               far               more               dangerous               in               the               hands               of               kids.

I               know               that               I               gave               my               grand               children               phones               to               be               safe,               but               are               they?
               5               =               High               Five               
               121               =               One               to               one               
               143               =               I               love               you               
               182               =               I               hate               you               
               2moro               =               Tomorrow               
               2nite               =               Tonight               
               411               =               Information               
               420               =               Marijuana               
               459               =               I               love               you               
               4NR               =               Foreigner               
               4Q               =               Fuck               you               
               8               =               oral               sex               
               86               =               Get               rid               of               
               9               =               Parent               is               watching               
               99               =               Parent               is               no               longer               watching
               A3               =               Anyplace,               anytime               anywhere               
               AAF               =               As               A               Friend               
               ACORN               =               A               Completely               Obsessive               Really               Nutty               Person               
               ADR               =               Address               
               AEAP               =               As               Early               As               Possible               
               AFAP               =               As               Far               As               Possible               
               AIGHT               =               Allright               
               AITR               =               Adult               In               The               Room               
               AMAP               =               As               Much               As               Possible               
               AML               =               All               My               Love               
               AMRMTYFTS               =               All               my               roommates               thank               you               for               the               show               
               A/S/L               -               age,               sex,               locationBJ               =               Blow               job               
               BOB               =               Battery               Operated               Boyfriend               
               BZ               =               Busy               
               BRB               =               Be               right               back               
               BTW               =               Back               to               work
               CICYHW               =               Can               I               copy               your               homework               
               CM               =               Call               me               
               C-P               =               Sleepy               
               C/S               =               Change               subject               
               COS               =               Change               of               subject               
               CBJ               =               Covered               blow               job               
               CD9               =               Code               9,               parents               are               around               
               CRB               =               Come               right               back               
               CRBT               =               Crying               really               big               tears               
               CT               =               Can't               talk               
               CTC               =               Care               to               chat?

               CU               =               See               you               
               CUL8R               =               See               you               later               
               CUNS               =               See               you               in               school               
               CUOL               =               See               you               online               
               CYE               =               Check               your               e-mail               
               CYO               =               See               you               online               
               CYT               =               See               you               tomorrowDF               =               Dear               friend               
               DGA               =               Don't               go               anywhere               
               DH               =               Dear               husband               
               DW               =               Dear               wife               
               DIKU               =               Do               I               know               you?

               DL               =               Down               Low               (texts)               Download               (in               context               of               attachments)               
               DLTM               =               Don't               lie               to               me               
               DNBL8               =               Do               not               be               late               
               DOC               =               Drug               of               choice               
               DOE               =               Depends               on               experience               
               DP               =               Domestic               partner               
               DUM               =               Do               you               masturbate?

               DURS               =               Damn               you               are               sexy
               DUSL               =               Do               you               scream               loud?

               DWB               =               Don't               write               back               
               DWPKOTL               =               Deep               wet               passionate               kiss               on               the               lips               
               DYHAB               =               Do               you               have               a               boyfriend               
               DYHAG               =               Do               you               have               a               girlfriend
               EMA               =               E-mail               address               
               EML               =               E-mail               me               later               
               EMSG               =               E-mail               message
               F2F               =               Face               to               face               
               FAB               =               Features               Attributes               Benefits               
               FB               =               Fuck               buddy               
               FILF               =               Father               I'd               like               to               fuck               
               FMLTWIA               =               Fuck               me               like               the               whore               I               am               
               FMUTA               =               Fuck               me               up               the               ass               
               FOAF               =               Friend               of               a               friend               
               FTF               =               Face               to               face               
               FWB               =               Friends               with               benefits               
               FYF               =               From               your               friend
               GTG               =               Got               to               go               
               G2G               =               Got               to               go               
               GAP               =               Got               a               pic?

(pic               =               picture)               
               GBH               =               Great               Big               Hug               
               GF               =               Girlfriend               
               GLBT               =               Gay               Lesbian               Bisexual               Transgender               
               GLG               =               Good               looking               girl               
               GLB               =               Good               looking               boy               
               GNOC               =               Get               naked               on               cam               
               GOS               =               Gay               or               straight               
               GUD               =               Geographically               undesirable               
               GYPO               -               get               your               pants               off
               H&K               =               Hugs               and               kisses               
               H4Y               =               Hot               for               you               
               HBIB               =               Hot               but               inappropriate               boy
               I&I               =               Intercourse               and               Inebriation               
               IBTC               =               Itty               bitty               titty               committee               
               IDK               =               I               don't               know               
               IF/IB               =               In               the               front               or               in               the               back               
               IIT               =               Is               it               tight?

               ILF/MD               =               I               love               female/male               dominance               
               ILU               =               I               love               you               
               ILY               =               I               love               you               
               IRL               =               In               real               life               
               IWSN               -               i               want               sex               now               
               ITS               -               intense               text               sex               
               IWALU               =               I               will               always               love               you
               J/O               =               Jacking               off
               KFU               =               kisses               for               you               
               KFY               =               Kiss               for               you               
               K4Y               =               Kiss               for               you               
               kitty               =               Vagina               
               KK               =               Kiss               kiss               
               KOTC               =               Kiss               on               the               cheek               
               KOTL               =               Kiss               on               the               lips               
               KPC               -               keep               parents               clueless               
               KWSTA               =               Kiss               with               serious               tongue               action
               L8R               =               Later               

=               Like               bondage?

               LDR               =               Long               distance               relationship               
               LF               =               Let's               fuck               (pedophile               lingo               would               be               Little               Friend)               
               LHOS               -               Let's               have               online               sex               
               LHSO               =               Let's               have               sex               online               
               LKITR               =               Little               kid               in               the               room               
               LOL               =               Laugh               out               loud/lots               of               laughs/lots               of               love               
               LMAO               =               Laugh               my               ass               off               
               LMFAO               =               Laugh               my               f*cking               ass               off               
               LMIRL               -               Let's               meet               in               real               life               
               LTTIC               =               Look               the               teacher               is               coming               
               LUSM               =               Love               you               so               much               
               LY               =               Love               you               
               LY4E               =               Love               you               forever               
               LYWAMH               =               Love               you               with               all               my               heart
               MA               =               Mature               audience               
               MILF               =               Mother               I'd               like               to               fuck               
               MIRL               =               Meet               in               real               life               
               MorF               =               Male               or               Female               
               MOOS               =               Member               of               opposite               sex               
               MOSS               =               Member               of               same               sex               
               MOS               =               Mom               over               shoulder               
               MPFB               =               My               personal               fuck               buddy               
               MSNUW               =               Mini-skirt               no               underwear               
               MTLA               =               My               true               love               always               
               MUAH               or               MWAH               =               *it's               the               sound               of               a               kiss*               
               MUSM               =               Miss               you               so               much
               NP               =               Nosy               parents               
               N/T               =               No               text               
               NIFOC               =               Nude               in               front               of               computer               
               NRN               =               No               reply               necessary
               OLL               =               Online               love               
               OMG               =               Oh               my               god               
               OMFG               =               Oh               my               fucking               god
               P               =               Partner               
               P&C               =               Private               and               confidential               
               POS               =               Parents               over               shoulder               
               PIR               =               Parents               in               room               
               P911               =               Parent               alert               
               PA               =               Parent               alert               
               PAW               =               Parents               are               watching               
               PAL               =               Parents               are               listening               
               PBB               =               Parent               behind               back               
               PHAT               =               Pretty               hot               and               tempting               
               PLOS               =               Parent               looking               over               shoulder               
               POM               =               Parent               over               my               shoulder               
               PRON               =               Porn               
               pr0n               =               Porn               (with               a               number               0               for               O)               
               PRW               =               Parents               are               watching
               QT               =               Cutie               Q2C               =               Quick               to               cum
               RL               =               Real               life               
               RLF               =               Real               life               friend               
               RNN               =               Reply               not               necessary               
               ROFL               =               Roll               on               floor               laughing               
               ROTFL               =               Roll               on               the               floor               laughing               
               ROFLMAO               =               Roll               on               floor               laughing               my               ass               off               
               RPG               =               Roll               playing               games               

=               Are               you?

               RU/18               =               Are               you               over               18?
               STFU               =               Shut               the               fuck               up
               TTYL               =               Talk               to               you               later               
               TTFN               =               Tata               for               now               
               TAW               =               Teachers               are               watching               
               TDTM               =               Talk               dirty               to               me               
               TM               =               Trust               Me               
               TMI               =               Too               much               information               
               TT               =               Big               tease               
               TYVM               =               Thank               you               very               much
               U               =               You               
               U               UP?

=               Are               you               up?

               UR               =               You               are               or               Your
               WTF               =               What               the               fuck               
               WYFM               =               Will               you               fuck               me?

               WYRN               =               What's               your               real               name               
               WYCM               =               Will               you               call               me
               XOX               =               Kiss               Hug               Kiss               
               XTC               =               Ecstacy
               Y               =               Yes               or               Why?

               YDKM               =               You               don't               know               me               
               YIWGP               =               Yes,               I               will               go               private               
               YW               =               You're               welcome
               ADDITIONAL               INFORMATION
               "Age               Sex               Location"               translates               to:               "I               want               to               know               if               you               fit               my               age               of               attraction,               if               you               are               the               gender               I               want,               and               where               you               live               so               I               can               find               you"               when               texted               by               a               predator.

It's               okay               to               tell               the               age               and               if               you're               a               female               or               male               -               this               establishes               evidence               if               a               predator               later               claims               not               to               know               he/she               was               talking               to               a               minor.

But               it               is               NO               ONE'S               business               where               you               live.

If               you               want               to               state               the               country,               that's               fine,               but               not               even               naming               a               state               is               okay.
               "Change               subject/No               text/No               reply               necessary"               can               be               used               to               signal               the               other               person               that               they               are               being               watched.
               "Come               right               back"               or               terms               like               "What               took               you               so               long?"               or               anything               that               makes               the               child               feel               rushed               or               obligated               to               respond               is               a               warning               sign               of               control,               either               by               a               predator               or               a               peer.

They               should               know               they               are               under               NO               obligation               to               text/IM/E-mail               anyone               at               any               time,               unless               it               is               their               parents.

Anyone               who               makes               them               feel               they               have               to               report               in               should               be               left               alone               and               exposed               to               parents               or               teachers               immediately.

This               is               a               very               unhealthy,               controlling               relationship.

Even               if               it's               just               a               friend.
               "Dear               Friend"               is               not               acceptable               for               an               adult               to               tell               a               child.

"Dear               Wife/Husband"               when               said               by               a               teen               is               a               warning               sign               of               a               relationship               that               has               gotten               way               out               of               hand,               particularly               if               it               is               with               an               adult.
               "DL"               Down               low               means               keep               it               secret/private.

Downloading               is               a               dangerous               thing               to               do               with               people               someone               doesn't               know               or               trust.

Kids               should               always               know               the               risks               involved               in               downloading               something               from               another               person,               particularly               someone               they               only               know               online.

These               can               contain               viruses,               Trojans,               worms,               or               even               unsolicited               pornography.

Any               of               this               activity               can               be               brought               the               attention               of               law               enforcement,               particularly               if               anyone               sends               your               child               or               teen               a               nude               photograph               -               wanted               or               not,               which               can               be               considered               a               felony               (depending               upon               the               circumstances               and               evidence,               plea               bargaining               etc...)               when               it               is               from               an               adult               to               a               minor.

(See               Sexting               for               more               of               my               thoughts               on               teen               -               to               -               teen               behavior.)
               "Do               you               masturbate/scream               loud?"               and               any               other               personal               questions               regarding               sex               are               no               one's               business!

Teens               should               understand               that               no               one               has               the               right               to               inquire               such               things,               and               if               they               do,               they               are               to               be               ignored               immediately               and               reported               to               a               parent,               teacher,               and               ultimately               the               police,               whether               the               sender               is               known               or               not.

Such               questions               are               geared               toward               having               a               sexual               relationship,               and               should               be               viewed               as               a               serious               threat.
               "Do               you               have               a               boyfriend/girlfriend?"               when               asked               by               a               stranger               online               is               intrusive               and               should               be               ignored.

"I'm               sorry               but               that's               really               none               of               your               business,"               would               be               the               appropriate               response.

A               teen               may               think               it's               innocent               curiosity,               but               they               do               not               know               who               is               asking               that               question.

It               is               highly               inappropriate               for               an               adult               to               inquire               that               of               a               minor               who               they               do               not               know,               and               if               this               is               an               online               personality,               there               is               no               way               the               teen               knows               if               this               is               an               adult               or               an               adult               pretending               to               be               a               teen.

The               reason               for               an               adult               to               ask               this               of               a               minor               is               because               that               adult               wants               to               be               that               minor's               bf/gf.

Even               if               the               teen               says               yes,               this               will               not               dissuade               the               adult               predator,               only               let               him/her               know               the               teen               may               be               sexually               active               and               they               need               only               find               a               way               to               come               between               her/him               and               the               real               life               bf/gf.
               "Friend               of               a               friend"               translates               to:               I               Am               A               Stranger!
               "Friends               with               benefits,"               "Fuck               buddy,"               and               similar               are               exactly               what               they               sound               like.
               "Face               to               face"               means               the               person               wants               to               meet               offline.
               "Got               a               pic"               -               kids/teens               should               NEVER               share               their               photos               with               anyone               they               don't               know.

They               can               never               get               them               back               and               they               never               know               who               is               doing               the               asking               or               for               what               purpose.
               "In               front"               or               "In               back"               refer               to               sexual               positions.
               "Is               it               tight"               refers               to               a               girl's               vagina/virginity.
               "I               love               you"               is               never               okay               for               a               stranger               to               tell               a               teen/child,               or               vice               versa.
               "Parent/Mom/Teacher/Kid               in               room"               is               a               sure               sign               there               is               something               that               NEEDS               to               be               monitored.

Adults               have               to               remember               THEY               pay               the               bills               and               the               child               is               THEIR               responsibility.

By               "respecting               a               child's               privacy,"               you               are               hanging               a               sign               around               your               child's               neck               saying,               "Do               what               you               want               -               I               will               completely               ignore               your               sexual               advances               and               illegal               behavior               that               will               ruin               my               child's               life               forever."
               "Private"               means               that               no               one               else               can               see               the               conversation,               like               if               they               were               in               a               chat               room.

If               it's               in               an               IM               that               is               being               monitored,               this               could               also               refer               to               private               e-mails               that               no               one               else               can               read.
               "Real               life"               refers               to               offline               life,               so               if               someone               wants               to               meet               IRL               (in               real               life),               they               want               to               take               their               relationship               from               cyberspace               into               the               real               world               for               physical               contact.
               "Roll               playing               games"               on               the               internet               more               often               than               not               involve               online               sex,               and               are               highly               addictive               and               emotional               since               the               characters               get               to               act               out               their               deepest               fantasies.

RPG's               almost               always               result               in               offline               meetings               when               kids               or               teens               are               involved.

It's               a               grooming               tactic,               a               way               for               predators               to               help               their               victim               become               comfortable               with               sex.

Please               don't               confuse               this               with               real               games               out               there               that               involve               taking               over               castles               or               defeating               enemy               armies.

Use               your               judgment               when               you               see               you               child               engaged               in               a               RPG,               but               remember               that               games               which               allow               interaction               with               other               gamers               are               just               as               dangerous               if               not               more               than               chatting               with               strangers.

Gamers               become               close               friends               online,               and               this               is               a               way               for               a               predator               to               form               a               tight               bond               with               the               target.
               "What's               your               real               name?"               and               other               questions               asking               address,               private               contact               information,               phone               number               etc..

are               red               light               questions               that               someone               is               trying               to               get               personal               information               to               use               in               a               way               neither               you               nor               your               child               will               want.
               "XTC"               is               a               drug.
               "XOX"               is               as               we               all               know               the               symbols               for               kisses               (x)               and               hugs               (o);               however,               this               has               no               place               in               the               conversation               between               an               adult               and               a               minor.
               "Take               off               your               clothes,"               and               "Get               naked               on               cam"               etc...

Sexually               explicit               dialogue               is               NEVER               okay,               not               even               teen-to-teen,               and               should               be               ignored               immediately               and               reported               to               parents,               teachers,               and               most               importantly,               police.

What               happens               on               text               always               has               the               potential               of               happening               in               real               life,               especially               if               the               person               is               known               to               the               teen.

If               the               person               is               a               predator,               this               could               lead               up               to               abduction               and               rape.
               Code               can               be               and               is               often               used               in               sentences,               as               well:               
               "W4nt               2               go               2               the               m411               t0d4y?"               translates               to:               "Want               to               go               to               the               mall               today?"
               To               some,               this               list               and               the               translations               may               seem               reaching               or               even               as               the               old               adage               goes:               Seek               and               ye               shall               find,               meaning               if               you're               looking               for               something               bad,               you'll               see               it               even               if               it's               not               there.

This,               simply,               is               not               the               case               here.

These               codes               and               their               meanings               are               quite               popular               and               no               secret               at               all.

I,               myself,               have               used               some               of               these               codes               in               adult               conversations.

Those               of               us               who               use               them               know               quite               well               what               we               mean               when               we               say               them,               and               we               know               minors               have               no               business               using               them               and               no               adult               has               any               right               using               them               with               a               minor.
               Makes               me               want               to               rally               watch               what               letters               I               am               typing               while               I               text               for               sure,               lol.

               I               cannot               take               the               credit               for               all               this               information.

I               wanted               to               bring               it               to               your               attention               becasue               of               Alice               Day               April               25th               coming               up.

The               website               is               Ultimate               Evil               and               it               is               a               Child               Abuse               Awareness               Site.

I               have               listed               the               web               address               above.
               The               website               also               talks               about               correct               Wiccan               rituals               that               are               being               altered               and               other               rituals               being               used               to               molest               even               more               children.

Yes               it               happens               in               all               religions               so               no               one               is               exempt.
               WATCH               YOUR               CHILDREN

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