Showing posts with label Cool Quotes for FB. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cool Quotes for FB. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Review of good fb quotes::What are some good Facebook statuses to use on people ...

Review of good fb quotes::What are some good Facebook statuses to use on people ...

I               did               this               review               for               the               "Ultimate               Body               Wrap"               a               while               back.

I               was               honest               in               my               experience               and               while               I               wasn't               happy               about               posting               a               negative               review,               it's               the               truth.

I               received               a               message               from               a               "member               of               the               company"               expressing               their               willingness               to               become               my               Facebook               friend.

I               informed               her               that               after               my               review,               I've               changed               my               mind               and               have               no               interest               in               the               product               (As               I               was               planning               to               become               a               consultant).

She               initially               expressed,               what               appeared,               as               sadness               that               it               didn't               work,               but               once               she               realized               that               I               was               a               blogger               and               had               shared               my               experience,               her               attitude               quickly               changed.

She               claims               I               didn't               give               a               full,               honest               review               to               my                    here               are               my               updates.
               I               drank               a               lot               of               water.

You're               supposed               to               drink               a               percentage               of               your               body               weight               in               water.

I               drink               over               this               amount               daily.
               I               was               initially               told               the               wraps               work               for               most               people.
               OK-               there               are               the               details               I               left               out-               my               review               is               now               complete.
               Well,               I               am               now               going               to               share               parts               of               the               conversations               I               had               with               both               the               rep               I               purchased               from               and               the               "person               from               the               company"-               I               urge               you               to               form               your               own               opinion.

I               am               not               saying               not               to               purchase               these,               but               I               am               absolutely               saying               I               will               never               purchase               another!
               Me:               Hello,               
               I               am               very               curious               about               your               wraps,               what               they               are               exactly               and               how               they               work.

I               was               also               wondering               if               you               were               looking               for               any               customer               reviews?

I'd               be               thrilled               to               test               it               out               and               write               a               review,               if               you're               looking               to               have               that               done.
               Thanks               so               much!
               Rep:               They               are               natural               detox               body               wraps               that               flush               the               toxins               from               your               fat               cells               which               causes               them               to               shrink!

They               are               a               thin               cloth               that               is               infused               with               herbal               cream               that               also               heals               your               skin               (stretch               marks).

They               reduce               cellulite               and               loose               skin               too.

Most               people               lose               1-3               inches               per               wrap               and               get               results               starting               with               the               first               one.

I'd               love               customer               reviews               but               cannot               provide               free               product.

If               you               would               like               to               try               one               it               is               $25               (free               shipping               on               your               first)               or               $5               extra               if               you               want               it               shipped               priority               mail.

I               also               have               chin               and               neck               applicators               for               the               same               price               or               get               both               for               $45.

We               also               have               a               loyal               customer               program               to               get               wholesale               prices               on               all               products               including               wraps               (3+               month               autoship               program               at               least               1               product).

I               accept               paypal               for               single               wraps
               Me:               Hi               again,               
               Since               "sharing"               a               giveaway,               I've               been               asked               both               publicly               and               privately               about               these               wraps.

I               am               going               to               be               honest,               I               am               extremely               skeptical,               but               there's               interest               in               these.
               If               you               would               consider               a               trial               wrap,               for               me               to               review,               that               would               be               awesome               and               then               I               can               share               my               experience               and               refer               people,               knowing               they're               getting               an               awesome               product.
               If               not,               please               let               me               know               if               the               $25               wraps               with               free               shipping               is               still               available               and               I'll               get               back               to               you               with               exactly               what               I'd               need.
               Thanks               again
               Rep:               $25               with               free               shipping               is               still               available               If               you               have               interest               I               would               recommend               becoming               a               distributor!
               Me:               Honestly,               it               depends.

I               really               need               to               have               experience               with               them,               so               I               can               be               sure               what               I'm               saying               is               true.

I               am               not               at               all               trying               to               say               that               this               isn't               an               awesome               product,               but               I               have               to               be               honest               and               fair               and               that               will               require               personal               experience.

I               hope               that               makes               sense               and               doesn't               come               across               as               offensive.
               As               a               distributor,               do               you               have               the               option               for               reviews               or               is               that               against               policy?
               I'll               let               you               know               exactly               how               many               I               need,               as               soon               as               I               hear               back,               after               letting               the               ladies               know               we               can               get               these.

               Thanks               again
               Rep:               I               understand               and               am               not               offended.

It's               a               fine               line               on               the               policy               so               I'm               not               doing               them               anymore.

Not               worth               risking.

Ok,               they               can               all               contact               me               to               get               them,               just               send               them               here
               We               had               a               short               question               and               answer               about               sales,               commissions               and               basics.

I               had               interest               from               friends               for               a               few               and               figured               it               would               be               simple               to               get               them               sold.
               Me:               I               was               asked               another               question-               are               the               wraps               designed               to               reduce/eliminate               stretch               marks               and               stretched               skin?

               Rep:               Yes!

I               use               them               for               that               so               I               can               100%               say               they               work               fantastic!
               Me:               ok,               thanks!
               A               couple               days               later
               Me:               Alrighty-               I've               had               two               people               hold               
               Off               because               they               assumed               I've               already               tried               these.

               Please               let               me               know               how               to               pay               the               $25               for               one,               so               I               can               try               it               myself               and               show               it               works               so               when               I               do               sell-               I               can               get               them               sold.

               So,               I               took               her               information               and               sent               her               $25               out               of               my               pocket               to               purchase               the               wrap.

I               received               the               wrap,               read               the               instructions,               followed               them               and               did               my               review.

I               posted               my               HONEST               review-               leaving               out               two               seemingly               important               steps-               as               stated               above.
               However,               these               are               the               messages               with               the               "person               from               the               company"
               PFC:               This               is               XXXXX               from               XXXXX               Wraps               You               can               friend               request               me               if               you               want               so               that               I               can               help               you               get               started.
               Me:               Ive               actually               decided               against               it.

               After               trying               the               product,               I               feel               I've               wasted               $25               as               it               made               NO               difference               at               all.

I               was               extremely               disappointed               and               can               not,               in               good               conscious,               sell               these               to               family,               friends               or               anyone               else.
               PFC:               Ok,               did               you               take               pictures               and               measurements?

And               drink               plenty               of               water               and               stay               away               from               smoking,               caffeine               and               alcohol               like               the               tip               sheet               said?
               Me:               I               did               everything,               exactly               as               it               said.

I               took               before               and               after               pictures               as               well.
               PFC:               Sorry               it               didn't               work,               not               everyone               can               get               results               the               first               time.

Here               is               someone               that               didn't               get               results               the               first               time               but               stuck               with               it.

I               understand               if               you               aren't               willing               to               keep               trying               though               or               try               it               on               someone               else.

(included               was               a               picture               from               a               "customer"               who's               done               several               wraps,               7,               to               be               exact)
               Me:               I'm               not               willing               to               waste               more               money.

I               did               offer               to               do               a               review               through               a               consultant               and               was               told               the               company               doesn't               allow               blogger               reviews.

So,               because               both               my               real               life               family               and               friends,               as               well               as               my               3000+               followers               wanted               to               know,               I               purchased               one               and               used               it.

I               clearly               stated               I'd               be               willing               to               try               another,               but               I               won't               purchase               them.

               *I               included               my               FB               "likes"               in               my               total*
               Me:               Is               this               your               wrap?

*link               to               review*
               PFC:               That's               the               same               but               she               didn't               mention               drinking               water               at               all               so               it               won't               work               without               that.

I'm               sorry               you               had               a               lack               of               results               your               first               time               but               I               do               hope               that               you               would               have               other               people               try               them               before               you               posted               a               negative               review               since               we               say               that               not               everyone               has               results               the               first               time.

I'd               hate               to               have               your               readers               deterred               from               something               that               is               so               life               changing               for               so               many               people               just               because               it               didn't               work               for               you.
               Me:               Actually,               the               package               says               to               drink               the               water.

Further,               I               asked               lots               of               questions               and               have               all               the               messages               saved.

I               didn't               go               into               this               blind               and               trust               when               I               say,               I               wanted               it               to               work.

I               was               planning               to               become               a               consultant,               there               was               no               reason               to               not               do               exactly               as               it               says               to               make               sure               it               worked.
               PFC:               I               swore               the               package               didn't               say               that,               I'm               going               to               check,               I               put               it               in               my               tip               sheet               but               not               all               distributors               have               that.

I               wasn't               saying               you               didn't               want               it               to               work,               I               was               talking               about               the               lady               that               did               that               review               might               not               have               followed               directions               or               might               not               have               been               given               good               directions.

Some               distributors               don't               know               all               the               tips.
               PFC:               I               just               looked               at               my               packaging,               it               does               not               mention               drinking               water               at               all.

That               tip               sheet               is               something               I               created               so               she               wouldn't               have               got               it.
               PFC:               I               believe               you               that               you               did               everything               right,               not               everyone               has               results               the               first               time.
               ME:               I               did               the               review.

In               the               package               she               sent               me,               it               says               to               drink               a               percentage               of               your               body               weight               in               water-               which               would've               been               72               ounces.

I               drink               more               than               that               daily,               so               there               were               no               issues               there.

               If               you               feel               I               unfairly               judged               your               product,               I'd               be               willing               to               try               it               again,               but               I'm               not               willing               to               invest               more               money               into               it.
               Me:               I               just               looked               back               through               messages               and               she               says               "most               people               loose               1-3               inches               per               wrap,               starting               with               the               first               wrap"               I               understand               not               everyone               will               have               a               significant               change,               but               with               no               change               I               couldn't               say               I'd               purchase               more.
               PFC:               I'm               not               willing               to               send               you               a               wrap,               I               have               known               people               who               had               people               saying               they               had               no               results               when               you               could               clearly               say               they               had               just               to               get               one               free.

I               100%               believe               in               this               product               and               actually               sent               a               couple               free               to               one               of               my               distributors               who               didn't               have               a               tape               measure               so               that               she               could               rewrap               and               have               her               rewrap               plus               a               friend               rewrap               and               she               is               back               with               the               company               because               they               both               see               results.

I'm               sorry               you               were               not               happy               and               I'm               not               asking               you               to               buy               another,               it               is               your               loss               not               mine,               I               have               plenty               of               happy               customers               waiting               for               me               to               get               more               in               stock.
               PFC:               Did               you               wrap               after               you               did               canola               oil               or               within               a               couple               weeks?

That               will               clog               up               your               pores               and               make               it               not               work               at               all.
               Me:               I               purchased               the               wrap-               I               have               the               PayPal               receipt               to               prove               it-               and               the               wrap               itself               as               well.

I               took               pictures               before               and               after.

I               post               only               honest               reviews,               the               insinuation               that               I'm               saying               it               didn't               work               to               get               it               for               free               is               insulting!

If               it               worked-               I'd               be               selling               them               right               now!
               The               canola               oil               was               done               several               weeks               before               the               wrap.

I               wanted               to               make               sure               there               was               no               interference.
               I               accept               my               loss,               never               said               I               didn't.

But               my               readers               deserve               to               know               the               truth,               as               of               now,               it               will               stay               as               it               is,               my               experience               and               my               loss.
               PFC:               I               think               if               you               were               really               being               honest               with               your               readers               you               would               say               that               you               were               warned               before               hand               that               not               everyone               got               results               the               first               time.
               Me:               Not               when               the               consultant               says               she               can               say               they               100%               work!

I               have               the               messages,               as               I've               already               said.

Being               totally               honest,               I               could've               posted               the               guarantees               as               well-               but               I               only               shared               my               experience-               no               one               else's.
               PFC:               You               just               told               me               she               said               most               people,               not               all.

               I'm               sorry               you               had               a               bad               experience               I               wish               you               the               best.
               Me:               I               later               asked               "can               these               be               used               to               reduce/eliminate               stretch               marks               and               loose               skin"
               She               responded               

That's               what               I               use               them               for               and               can               say               they               100%               work"
               PFC:               I'm               sorry               you               did               not               have               good               results.

Good               luck               on               your               blog.
               Me:               It               is               what               it               is.

I               didn't               both               responding               to               the               company               because               I               knew               it               wouldn't               make               a               difference.

               Best               of               luck.
               End               of               messages.
               Again,               I               urge               you               to               form               your               own               opinion.

Never               once               have               I               said               to               anyone               "buy               this               because               I               said               so"               or               "don't               buy               this               because               I               don't               like               it".

Everyone               has               the               right               to               their               own               opinion               and               to               share               said               opinions               as               they               see               fit.

This               can               and               should               be               done               without               being               called               a               liar               (no               matter               HOW               round               about               they               say               it!!)               or               accused               of               wanting               something               for               free.

I               will               never               post               a               false               review,               period.

I               don't               care               how               "life               changing"               anything               is,               false               reviews               are               LYING!!

People               deserve               to               know               the               TRUTH               and               frankly,               if               there               are               so               many               people               lined               up,               what               difference               will               the               potential               3000+               people               who               follow               my               FB               Blog               page,               make               in               the               end?

If               a               product               is               good-               if               it               WORKS,               it               will               sell               itself               and               will               rebound               from               "one               negative               opinion"               with               NO               issues               at               all.
               Regardless-               there               is               absolutely               no               reason               to               tell               someone               or               accuse               someone               of               lying               for               posting               a               negative               review.

Want               to               rebut               me?

Go               ahead-               share               the               faceless               photos,               post               the               "life               changing"               quotes-               do               what               you               need               to               do.

In               the               end,               I               offered               multiple               times               to               review               it               and               share-               no               one               was               interested,               so               I               PURCHASED               and               shared.

I               now               believe               the               reason               there               are               no               blogger               reviews               from               "free"               products               is               clear....I               don't               believe               I               am               the               only               person               who's               had               no               change               with               these               things               at               all.

These               are               MY               opinions,               I               have               no               "facts"               to               base               these               off               of-               but               again,               I               have               the               right               to               share               them               as               I               see               fit               :)               
               Check               this               out-               this               is               one               way               the               company               makes               their               money               even               if               the               wraps               don't               work               for               you-               http               ://               www               .

ripoffreport               .

com               /               weightloss               -               programs               /               it               -               works               -               body               -               wraps               /               it               -               works               -               body               -               wraps               -               it               -               works               -               dfa86               .

               Check               out               this               video-               from               a               former               consultant!

She               has               a               lot               of               interesting               things               to               say....

               http               ://               www               .

youtube               .

com               /               watch               ?

v               =               PtNWBxlhNMI

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