Showing posts with label AT&T Stock Price History. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AT&T Stock Price History. Show all posts

Monday, June 9, 2014

Review of comcast stock price history:: - What's Your Question?

Review of comcast stock price history:: - What's Your Question?

               Well               known               for               its               historical               buildings               and               cobblestone               streets,               Philadelphia               is               a               vibrant               city               attracting               millions               each               year.

Located               aside               the               Delaware               River,               the               city               is               one               of               the               oldest               cities               in               the               United               States.

Visitors               can               explore               the               earliest               beginnings               of               America's               history               through               its               historic               houses               and               buildings               while               experiencing               modern               day               attractions.

Many               corporations               and               businesses               are               located               throughout               Philadelphia               including               Verizon,               Comcast,               numerous               banks,               and               of               course               hotels.

Philadelphia               even               has               its               own               stock               exchange.

Those               that               enjoy               theater               and               music               will               find               ample               theaters               along               the               Avenue               of               The               Arts               or               official               known               as               South               Broad               Street.

For               those               that               enjoy               visiting               museums,               there               are               countless               museums               throughout               the               city.

Philadelphia               also               offers               a               wide               range               of               restaurants               to               cater               to               a               wide               assortment               of               tastes               and               clientele               types.

Tourist               will               find               a               great               starting               stop               at               Independence               Hall               where               the               liberty               bell               is               located.

Philadelphia               offers               a               dynamic,               vibrant               city               that               offers               almost               every               traveler               type               something               to               see.
               This               guide               will               present               a               brief               overview               of               places               to               sleep,               eat,               and               explore               throughout               the               city.

Philadelphia               is               an               experience               that               is               unique               from               other               major               cities.

Its               amazing               history,               diversity,               and               urban               architecture               will               entice               travelers               of               all               types               and               backgrounds.
               Accommodations               In               and               Around               Philadelphia
               Downtown               Area
               When               visiting               Philadelphia,               probably               the               first               stop               will               be               a               place               to               stay.

There               are               numerous               hotels               located               in               the               downtown               and               outlying               areas               of               the               city.

Depending               on               how               one               travels               to               the               city,               some               hotels               may               be               more               accessible               than               others.

Travelers               arriving               by               plane,               bus,               or               train               may               want               to               stay               at               a               downtown               hotel.

While               downtown               hotels               can               be               more               expensive,               they               are               also               more               accessible               for               many               of               the               downtown               spots               to               explore.

Parking               can               be               a               premium               and               talking               walk               tours               of               the               city               can               provide               some               of               the               best               experiences               for               meeting               locals               and               finding               historical               neighborhoods.

In               the               downtown               area               are               a               range               of               hotels               from               the               less               expensive               Holiday               Inn               hotels               to               the               higher               priced               hotels               such               as               the               Omni               and               Marriott.

Sometimes               specials               can               be               found               online.
               Several               good               hotels               can               be               found               downtown.

For               a               lower               cost               solution,               check               out               the               Holiday               Inn               Express               on               Market               St.

It               has               modern               décor               with               up               to               date               amenities               including               a               roof               top               pool               during               the               summer               months.

For               a               more               expensive               option,               consider               the               Doubletree               Suites               hotel               off               Race               St.

The               hotel               offers               great               views               and               a               wonderful               indoor               pool.

If               staying               near               the               waterfront               area               of               the               Delaware               River               and               the               historic               area,               consider               the               pricey               but               amazing               hotel               of               the               Hyatt               at               Penn's               Landing.

The               hotel               offers               amazing               views               of               the               surrounding               area               and               one               can               either               take               a               taxi               around               town               or               walk               into               the               historic               area               of               east               Philadelphia               downtown.
               Outside               of               Philadelphia
               If               one               arrives               by               car               or               a               car               rental,               there               are               many               hotels               south               of               Philadelphia               near               the               Philadelphia               Internal               Airport.

Near               the               airport               there               are               a               large               number               of               hotels               as               well               as               motels               that               are               fairly               accessible               by               car.

Some               hotels               are               located               directly               on               the               airport               grounds               which               can               be               more               expensive               than               other               choices               located               offsite.
               There               are               also               hotels               in               areas               west               and               north               of               the               city.

In               King               of               Prussia               there               are               many               upscale               and               moderately               price               hotels               near               the               Valley               Forge               National               Historic               Park.

The               park               itself               is               well               worth               a               day               trip               if               one               visits               that               area.

Northeast               of               the               city               are               numerous               hotels               just               outside               of               the               northern               end               of               the               city.

Choices               can               include               low               cost               motels               to               higher               end               hotels               providing               full               services               for               business               travelers.

Keep               in               mind               that               the               city               of               Philadelphia               can               be               quite               large               and               travel               time               by               car               can               take               some               time               when               staying               outside               of               the               city.
               If               driving               to               Philadelphia,               there               are               some               good               choices               outside               of               the               downtown               area.

For               a               moderate               to               slightly               expensive               choice,               check               out               the               Holiday               Inn               Stadium               hotel               near               the               sport               stadiums               in               South               Philadelphia.

The               hotel               has               been               renovated,               has               an               outdoor               pool,               many               amenities,               and               easy               access               to               nearby               sporting               events.

If               you               choose               room               overlooking               the               city               north               of               the               hotel,               you               will               witness               great               views               of               the               entire               downtown               Philadelphia               area.

The               hotel               is               within               easy               driving               distance               of               most               Philadelphia               areas               with               easy               access               to               both               I95               and               76.
               South               of               the               city               are               numerous               great               choices.

More               budget               minded               travelers               might               want               to               stay               at               the               Red               Roof               Inn               where               there               may               be               limited               amenities               but               a               fairly               accessible               area.

In               the               same               area               there               is               also               a               pricier               Holiday               Inn               Express               which               offers               a               little               more               upscale               surroundings               and               rooms.

Closer               to               the               Airport               is               the               Marriott               Hotel               which               is               expensive               and               several               Hilton               brand               hotels.

Savvy               travelers               might               want               to               check               out               the               Aloft               Hotel               with               its               unique               furnishings               and               indoor               pool.

Please               note               that               some               airport               hotels               may               require               parking               frees.
               Others               to               consider               include               Cherry               Hill               (New               Jersey),               Gloucester               (New               Jersey),               and               the               northern               Brandywine               area               of               Delaware.
               Getting               Around               in               Philadelphia
               Traveling               around               Philadelphia               can               be               an               interesting               experience.

If               traveling               by               car,               this               often               means               a               great               deal               of               traffic               jams,               lengthy               searches               for               parking               spots,               or               even               getting               lost.

Traveling               by               taxi               can               be               more               convenient               but               also               more               costly.

One               can               also               explore               the               city               on               foot               but               this               can               take               a               heavy               toll               on               one's               feet.

Visitors               can               also               utilize               the               extensive               public               transportation               system               with               some               research.

A               good               spot               to               find               out               more               about               their               public               transportation               system               is               at               the               SEPTA               website.

Their               transportation               system               literally               runs               throughout               the               city               and               beyond.

An               underground               subway               also               runs               through               the               downtown               area.

Buses               are               run               throughout               the               city               at               regular               intervals.

Visitors               can               also               opt               for               a               guided               tour               via               trolleys               or               double               decker               buses               near               Independence               Hall.
               Visitors               might               want               to               conduct               some               research               on               their               travel               plans               and               about               the               areas               expected               they               expect               to               explore.

A               good               web               guide               for               transportation               in               Philadelphia               can               be               found               on               the               Trip               Advisor               website.
               Budget               Minded               Options
               More               budget               minded               travelers               might               find               walking               tours               together               with               use               of               the               SEPTA               public               transportation               to               be               a               good               way               to               get               around               without               spending               too               much               cash.

Those               with               cars               might               want               to               strategize               their               visits               by               finding               lower               costs               parking               lots               or               street               parking               around               of               the               edges               of               the               downtown               area.

One               parking               lot               is               located               by               the               old               eastern               penitentiary               where               day               parking               fees               are               lower               than               most               garages.

If               one               is               willing               to               walk               several               blocks               from               downtown               there               are               some               decent               areas               to               park.

Parking               spots               along               the               street               can               range               from               15               minutes               up               to               3               or               more               hours.

Always               use               caution               when               parking               and               securing               your               car,               especially               at               night.

Sometimes               a               party               or               group               of               like-minded               individuals               can               share               a               cab               ride.

Cabs               are               abundant               throughout               the               city               and               at               many               hotels.

Bicycles               are               another               option               and               there               are               biking               lines               on               some               streets.

Caution               should               be               used               when               traveling               with               traffic.

This               option               might               be               a               better               way               to               travel               for               those               with               experience               dealing               with               urban               traffic.
               Eating               in               Philadelphia
               Finding               a               place               to               eat               in               the               city               can               be               an               easy               experience               due               to               a               multitude               of               cuisine               choices.

Philadelphia               has               a               range               of               dining               choices               from               four               star               restaurants               to               fast               food               vendors.

Countless               restaurants               can               be               found               along               the               Avenue               of               the               Arts               on               Broad               St.

The               Convention               Center               also               has               restaurants               located               nearby.

The               Reading               Terminal               holds               a               range               of               indoor               eating               places               to               tryout.

For               Chinese               and               Asian               food,               take               some               time               to               explore               Philadelphia's               Chinatown.

There               one               can               find               a               range               of               choices               of               delicious               Chinese,               Thai,               and               Vietnamese               dishes.

There               are               also               a               range               of               restaurants               and               vendors               that               serve               up               Philadelphia's               well               known               "Cheesesteaks".

The               Cheesesteak               is               an               original               creation               from               Philadelphia               and               many               swear               by               the               food               item.

Some               of               the               better               known               restaurants               that               serve               up               good               Cheesesteaks               include               Pat's               King               of               Steaks               and               Geno's               Steaks.
               Travelers               can               also               find               some               interesting               dining               experiences               on               the               waterfront               areas               along               Columbus               Blvd.

Perhaps               one               of               the               more               memorable               dining               experiences               can               be               found               at               the               Moshulu,               a               restaurant               within               a               large               sailing               vessel               tied               to               the               dock.

The               Moshulu               is               a               four               star               restaurant               where               fine               dining               can               be               experienced               aboard               an               historic               sailing               vessel               while               taking               in               views               of               New               Jersey               and               Philadelphia.

More               information               about               the               restaurant               can               be               found               at               the               Moshulu               website.
               Adults               and               children               can               also               enjoy               some               a               combination               restaurant               and               gaming               establishment               at               Dave               and               Busters               beyond               the               Benjamin               Franklin               Bridge.

While               the               atmosphere               is               definitely               casual               and               the               service               average               at               best,               families               will               find               a               chance               to               have               some               fun               at               night               playing               the               site's               many               games.
               For               those               that               enjoy               Chinese               buffets,               might               want               to               check               out               the               Ruby               Buffet.

Located               in               a               strip               mall               with               a               costume               shop,               diners               can               experience               great               Chinese               food               in               a               buffet               format.

Best               of               all,               parking               is               free.

Several               restaurant               chains               found               throughout               the               country               are               present               at               the               southern               area               of               Columbus               Blvd               near               the               Wal-Mart               and               BestBuy               stores.
               Ultimately               listing               all               the               restaurant               choices               would               take               far               too               long               for               this               article.

However               a               good               starting               point               and               a               great               guide               can               be               found               on     's               website.
               Areas               of               Interest
               The               Historic               Downtown               and               Society               Hill
               Visiting               Philadelphia               would               not               be               complete               without               visiting               the               historical               areas               of               Philadelphia.

As               one               of               the               oldest               cities               in               the               United               States,               the               city               offers               views               of               buildings               and               roads               constructed               from               centuries               past.

Even               some               of               its               roads               were               built               with               stone.

Perhaps               the               best               spot               for               new               travelers               would               be               the               Independence               Hall               visitor's               center.

There               visitors               can               learn               about               different               attractions,               different               types               of               tours,               view               history               videos,               and               even               shop               for               souvenirs.

Nearby,               the               Liberty               Bell               which               can               be               viewed               during               the               daytime               hours.

Beyond               the               visitor's               center               is               the               historical               Independence               Hall               where               there               first               congress               was               seated.

Both               the               Declaration               of               Independence               and               the               Articles               of               Confederation               were               signed               there.
               Beyond               Independence               Hall,               visitors               can               explore               many               of               the               historic               neighborhoods               including               many               locations               such               as               the               tombstone               of               Benjamin               Franklin,               the               Declaration               House               where               the               Declaration               of               Independence               was               written,               Carpenter's               Hall,               Betsy               Ross's               house,               and               the               Historic               Independence               Hall               building.

An               interesting               map               guide               to               the               historic               area               of               Philadelphia               can               be               found               at     
               Simply               walking               through               the               neighborhoods               of               the               historic               area               can               be               a               breathtaking               experience.

Many               historic               buildings               are               still               standing               and               some               streets               are               lined               with               cobblestones.

It's               almost               like               walking               down               a               semi-reenactment               of               centuries               past               with               modern               technologies               such               as               lighting               and               street               signs.

In               many               streets               there               are               numerous               small               shops               that               offer               unique               products               and               services.
               Rittenhouse               Square
               Located               in               the               mid               to               western               part               of               the               downtown               area,               Rittenhouse               Square               is               known               as               a               high               scale               residential               neighborhood               with               an               open               park               for               anyone               to               watch               others               or               read               a               great               book.

The               area               holds               a               large               selection               of               cafes,               high               scale               restaurants,               lounges,               stores,               and               clubs               for               nighttime               entertainment.

Rittenhouse               Square               is               also               known               for               residents               that               are               some               of               the               most               influential               and               wealthiest               residents               of               the               city.
               University               City               Area
               Philadelphia               has               a               major               section               featuring               both               the               University               of               Pennsylvania               and               Drexel               University               in               the               western               end               of               the               downtown               area.

Located               across               from               the               Schuylkill               river               and               I76,               the               university               area               holds               numerous               campus               sections               of               each               university,               stores               catering               to               college               students,               and               the               city's               main               train               station.

There               one               can               find               bustling               areas               filled               with               some               of               the               nation's               top               students.

The               University               of               Pennsylvania               is               considered               a               top               Ivy               League               school               and               attracts               some               of               the               best               students               around               the               world.

There               are               numerous               coffee               shops               and               small               restaurants               line               the               various               streets               in               University               City.
               More               can               be               read               about               the               University               City               area               on     
               Chinatown               offers               an               historic               area               where               Chinese               immigrants               settled               in               Philadelphia               during               the               1880s.

Located               near               Race               and               Vine               streets,               it               fills               city               blocks               with               restaurants               and               shops.

There               a               visitor               can               try               out               numerous               restaurants               featuring               both               real               Chinese               and               Americanized               Chinese               food               as               well               as               other               Asian               foods.

There               are               also               services               such               travel               agents,               lawyers,               and               even               dance               studios.

Many               of               the               shops               have               amazing               products               including               vases,               statues,               books,               and               apparel.

The               area               has               an               authentic               feel               of               a               real               ethnically               oriented               neighborhood               with               residents               speaking               Chinese               language               variations               and               dialects.

One               of               my               favorite               shops               is               the               Shanghai               Bazaar.

The               store               features               products               from               China               including               everything               from               apparel               to               books               in               Chinese.

The               store               is               reported               being               put               up               for               sale               but               offers               a               huge               selection               of               merchandise.
               An               interesting               web               guide               about               Philadelphia's               Chinatown               can               be               found               at     
               Avenue               of               the               Arts
               The               Avenue               of               the               Arts               is               located               on               and               around               South               Broad               St.

Known               for               its               wide               number               of               theaters,               music               forums,               and               shops,               visitors               could               literally               spend               days               here               check               out               all               the               attractions.

There               are               several               upscale               hotels               as               well               as               a               multitude               of               restaurants.

The               area               is               incredibly               vibrant               and               parking               is               at               a               premium               in               this               area.

Depending               on               the               time               of               day               or               night,               there               often               appears               to               be               more               people               walking               the               streets               of               the               area               than               may               other               parts               of               the               city.

Some               of               the               more               popular               and               famous               attractions               include               the               The               Merriam               Theater,               The               Merriam               Theater,               Rock               Hall               Auditorium               at               Temple,               and               many               smaller               theaters.

There               also               many               music               spots               and               clubs               for               listening               to               live               music               at               night.
               A               nice               guide               to               the               area               can               be               found               on               the               Avenue               of               the               Arts               website.
               South               Philadelphia
               South               of               the               downtown               area               are               numerous               neighborhoods               with               a               diverse               community.

The               area               includes               South               Street,               Oregon               Avenue,               the               stadiums               section               of               Philadelphia,               South               Columbus               Blvd,               and               other               spots.

Many               restaurants,               clubs,               and               cheesesteak               spots               can               be               found               on               Passyunk               Avenue               and               South               Street.

Countless               residential               neighbors               with               row               houses               can               be               found               in               South               Philly.

One               can               often               find               a               more               authentic               Philadelphia               culture               in               this               area               than               in               the               downtown               areas.

South               Philadelphia               has               many               diverse               neighbors               include               Italian               Americans,               African               Americans,               Vietnamese               Americans,               Chinese               Americans,               and               Korean               Americans.
               For               news               and               information               about               the               South               Philadelphia               area,               check               out               South               Philly               Review.
               One               of               the               other               main               tourist               points               of               interest               in               Philadelphia               is               the               large               number               of               museums.

A               great               guide               for               learning               about               the               museums               of               Philadelphia               can               be               found               on               the                    website.

Perhaps               the               most               iconic               museum               is               the               Philadelphia               Museum               of               Art               located               on               the               Benjamin               Franklin               Blvd.

There               one               can               view               many               exhibits,               walk               up               the               steps               to               the               front               entrance,               and               gaze               over               a               view               of               the               city               from               the               west               end.

Visitors               can               also               explore               the               Fairmount               Park               located               directly               behind               the               museum.
               Other               popular               art               museums               include               the               Pennsylvania               Academy               of               Fine               Arts,               The               Rosenbach               Museum,               Schuylkill               Academy               of               Fine               Art,               and               The               James               A.

Michener               Art               Museum               .

Each               of               the               museums               can               take               hours               so               plan               ahead.
               Visitors               interested               in               historical               museums               can               visit               the               Philadelphia               History               Museum               which               has               numerous               exhibits               that               reveals               the               history               and               development               of               the               city               of               Philadelphia.

The               National               Liberty               Museum               offers               a               multitude               of               interactive               and               multimedia               exhibits               of               our               nation's               history               and               of               the               founding               fathers.
               Science               buffs               will               enjoy               visiting               the               Franklin               Institute               of               Science.

The               museum               offers               a               range               of               interactive               exhibits               for               learning               about               science.

An               IMAX               theater               is               located               on               the               premises               and               numerous               educational               programs               can               be               scheduled               for               groups.
               The               African-American               Museum               in               Philadelphia               museum               offers               a               comprehensive               history               of               African               Americans               in               Philadelphia               and               their               achievements.

Numerous               exhibits               help               provide               a               very               comprehensive               background               on               how               African               Americans               have               contributed               to               the               city               through               hundreds               of               different               fields.
               Visitors               interested               in               the               Mummers               day               parade               will               like               The               Mummers               Museum.

Visitors               will               find               intriguing               exhibits               displaying               figures               decorated               in               costumes               worn               by               participants               of               the               parade               from               years               past.

An               exhibit               also               describes               the               history               of               the               Mummers               day               parade               and               its               origins.
               The               National               Museum               of               American               Jewish               History               is               a               great               museum               to               learn               about               Jewish               history               during               the               colonial               periods               of               American               history               and               their               contributions               to               America.
               Many               of               these               museums               are               just               a               start               to               the               many               museums               located               around               Philadelphia.

Several               good               guides               to               the               city's               museums               can               be               found               on               the               CBS               Philly               website               and               at               the               Philadelphia               Museums               website.
               Free               Things               to               Do               in               Philadelphia
               Everyone               likes               doing               things               for               free               and               there               are               ample               opportunities               in               Philadelphia.

From               visiting               the               Free               Library               of               Philadelphia,               to               walking               through               Chinatown,               there               are               numerous               possibilities               for               visitors.

For               the               relatively               fit,               consider               walking               at               least               part               of               the               way               across               the               Benjamin               Franklin               Bridge.

At               mid-point,               the               bridge               offers               stunning               views               of               Philadelphia,               the               Delaware               River,               and               Camden.

Many               locals               jog               or               bike               across               the               bridge               and               it's               a               popular               spot.
               Another               free               spot               is               to               explore               Fairmount               Park               behind               the               Philadelphia               Museum               of               Art.

There               visitors               can               explore               bike               paths,               walk               along               the               Schuylkill               River,               and               visit               different               statues.

The               museum               is               also               a               great               location               to               explore               at               dusk               or               during               the               evening.

The               front               entrance               offers               stunning               views               of               the               city               and               many               people               enjoy               jogging               up               the               steps.
               The               Historical               area               can               be               walked               through               without               needing               to               enter               museums.

Many               historical               buildings               can               be               viewed               from               the               outside               and               there               is               a               free               Vietnam               War               memorial               near               the               east               end               by               Columbus               Blvd.
               During               the               summer               months               there               are               often               free               concerts               in               different               parks               throughout               the               city.

There               are               also               outdoor               movie               screenings               shown               for               free.

More               free               events               can               be               found               listed               on               the               Free                    website.
               Shopping               in               Philadelphia
               The               city               offers               a               range               of               different               types               of               stores               from               souvenir               shops               to               full               scale               clothing               stores.

First               time               visitors               might               want               to               check               out               the               Independence               Park               Visitor's               Center               store               to               view               some               fairly               nice               but               pricey               gifts.

The               store               offers               a               range               of               souvenirs               including               shirts,               postcards,               trinkets,               cups,               and               toys.

If               one               is               looking               for               a               great               place               to               buy               t-shirts               then               perhaps               the               best               place               might               be               Old               City               T-Shirts               where               t-shirts               could               be               produced               in               30               seconds.

One               can               purchase               t-shirts               from               $5               (sizes               up               to               XL)               to               $8               (sizes               XXL               -               XXXL)               with               a               wide               selection               of               prints               of               Philadelphia               slogans               and               images.
               A               large               shopping               mall               can               be               visited               near               the               convention               center               which               holds               general               stores               found               in               many               malls               across               America.

There               is               even               a               Kmart               store               located               onsite.
               If               one               is               looking               for               products               from               China               and               Asia,               many               stores               in               Chinatown               offer               unique               gift               items.

Many               of               the               shop               workers               and               owners               are               more               than               helpful               and               will               go               out               of               their               way               to               help               out               visitors.
               A               good               overall               guide               to               shopping               in               Philadelphia               can               be               found               on     
               Places               to               Visit               Outside               of               the               City
               Valley               Forge
               Visitors               can               also               find               numerous               places               to               visit               outside               of               the               city.

One               of               the               better               spots               is               Valley               Forge.

Valley               Forge               is               a               National               Historic               Park               and               is               free               to               explorer               by               foot               or               car.

The               park               is               simply               beautiful               to               view               and               is               quite               large.

A               decent               visitor's               center               can               be               checked               out               for               suggestions               or               a               map               of               the               park               before               heading               out.

Valley               Forge               can               be               reached               by               taking               Interstate               76               from               Philadelphia.
               Camden               Waterfront
               The               Camden               Waterfront               holds               the               several               places               to               to               check               out.

Just               stay               within               the               waterfront               area.

A               great               aquarium               can               be               visited               with               the               kids               alongside               the               Delaware               River.

There               is               also               the               USS               Arizona               ship               which               is               anchored               from               a               river               dock.

Visitors               can               also               sit               around               benches               and               watch               amazing               views               of               the               Philadelphia               skyline               and               the               waterfront               areas.

Camden               can               be               reached               by               traveling               across               the               Benjamin               Franklin               Bridge.

A               toll               fee               of               $5               is               required               to               re-cross               the               bridge.
               The               city               of               Wilmington               Delaware               is               located               less               than               a               half               hour               minus               traffic               from               Philadelphia.

The               city               offers               a               several               parks,               a               bustling               downtown               area,               and               its               famous               Brandywine               area               where               wine               producers               showcase               their               wine               distilling               efforts.

The               city               has               a               riverfront               area               with               newly               created               shopping               and               eating               areas.

Wilmington               can               be               reached               by               taking               I95               from               Philadelphia.
               Perhaps               not               for               everyone,               there               are               now               several               casinos               throughout               the               Philadelphia               area.

The               choices               include               the               Parx               Casino               just               north               of               the               city,               the               new               Valley               Forge               Casino,               Sugar               House               Casino,               and               Harrah's               in               Chester.

New               visitors               can               sometimes               find               deals               or               specials               depending               on               the               casino.

One               should               use               caution               when               parking               and               carrying               cash               around               the               parking               lots.
               Outside               of               Philadelphia               are               the               famed               casinos               in               the               City               of               Atlantic               City               which               are               about               an               hour's               drive               from               Philadelphia.
               In               Conclusion
               Visiting               Philadelphia               will               reward               visitors               with               an               amazing               variety               of               experiences,               historical               locations               to               visit,               and               a               vibrant               city               life               with               its               own               culture.

Its               huge               selection               of               restaurants,               clubs,               parks,               and               theaters               will               give               any               visitor               more               than               a               slew               of               choices               to               choose               from               when               visiting               the               city.

Dozens               of               museums               are               open               for               visitors               to               learn               about               the               nation's               history,               the               city,               art,               culture,               and               science.

Visitors               can               a               wide               range               of               accommodations               for               different               price               levels.

The               city               is               very               open               to               visitors               with               different               budgets               and               travel               types.

Whether               visiting               the               city               on               business               or               pleasure,               Philadelphia               offers               many               great               experiences.
               Internet               Tourism               Guides               to               Philadelphia:
               Philadelphia's               Visitors               Guide
               Fodor's               Philadelphia     
                    Philadelphia               Traveler's               Guide

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