Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Review of fb kids::Is it ok for parents to search your fb

Review of fb kids::Is it ok for parents to search your fb

Relying               on               a               'one               size               fits               all'               sex               survey,               D.C.

middle               school               students               were               asked               to               detail               their               sexual               exploits               and               drug               use.

Sexually               active               youngsters               and               those               who               just               went               through               the               transition               to               middle               school               all               received               the               same               questions.

Middle               School               Sex               Survey:               Designed               to               Raise               STD               Awareness
               Fox               News               reports               that               parents               of               Hardy               Middle               School               students               may               have               gotten               caught               unawares               when               their               little               darlings               inquired               about               the               differences               between               vaginal,               anal               and               oral               sex.
               A               Metro               TeenAIDS               survey,               which               targets               potentially               sexually               active               kids               between               the               ages               of               11               and               20,               poses               questions               about               gender               identity,               drug               use,               alcohol               use,               sexual               practices               and               use               of               barrier               contraceptives.
               The               problem               arose               when               opt-out               letters               arrived               at               parental               homes               after               the               kids               had               already               taken               the               survey.

In               addition,               youngsters               who               just               made               the               transition               to               middle               school               were               lumped               into               the               surveyed               students.
               Thus,               a               child               who               may               have               been               reared               in               a               more               restrictive               home               and               perhaps               not               yet               received               exposure               to               a               lot               of               sex,               drugs               and               rock               'n               roll               is               sure               to               have               gotten               a               bit               of               a               shock.
               Parents               Need               to               Get               with               the               Program
               While               it               is               suspect               to               have               one               sex               survey               that               is               geared               toward               11-               as               well               as               20-year               young               respondents,               Metro               TeenAIDS               is               unapologetic               and               actually               points               out               that               the               questionnaire               follows               D.C.


Parents               should               also               get               with               the               program,               since               "most               of               those               12-year-olds               are               much               more               experienced               sexually               than               those               parents               might               think."               Really?
               Just               How               Sexually               Active               are               America's               Teens?
               According               to               the               Guttmacher               Institute,               46               percent               of               teens               between               the               ages               of               15               to               19               admit               to               having               had               sexual               intercourse.

Prior               to               age               15,               the               percentage               drops               to               13.

This               number               is               down               from               19               percent               in               1995.

Even               so,               the               majority               of               sexually               active               teens               have               their               first               experience               at               age               17.

The               Institute               points               out               that               "sex               is               rare               among               very               young               teens,               but               becomes               common               in               the               later               teenage               years."
               The               facts               and               figures               compiled               by               the               University               of               Texas               Health               Science               Center               at               Houston               in               2009               paint               a               slightly               different               picture.

Study               outcomes               show               that               sexually               active               12-year               olds               are               engaging               in               various               kinds               of               sex               with               multiple               partners               and               without               barrier               protection.

Middle               School               Sex               Survey               a               Sign               of               the               Times?
               It               is               obvious               that               Metro               TeenAIDS               is               incorrect               in               stating               that               "most"               12-year               olds               are               more               sexually               experienced               than               parents               give               them               credit.

Even               so,               the               organization               is               correct               in               stating               that               older               middle               school               students               frequently               are               sexually               active.
               The               implications               are               obvious:               the               public               school               has               to               do               teaching               that               may               (or               may               not)               take               place               in               the               home.

Parents               have               to               choose               whether               or               not               their               kids               should               transition               to               middle               school               venues               that               are               public.
               Fox               News:               "Sex               Survey               at               D.C.

School               Sparks               Controversy"               
               Metro               TeenAIDS:               "Making               Proud               Choices"               
               Guttmacher               Institute:               "Facts               on               American               Teens'               Sexual               and               Reproductive               Health"               
               University               of               Texas               Health               Science               Center               at               Houston:               "Middle               school               youth               as               young               as               12               engaging               in               risky               sexual               activity

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